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The phones rings tumble in your mind, you wanted him to pick up so badly. You missed 2d so much, his little voice that made your stomach fill with butterflys. Just as the phone line is about to go dead you hear a low sigh from the other line. "2d?!" You wait for a response, none. "2d? Are you there?" You then hear a raspy clearing of the throat, oh shit you knew exacly who it was. "Oh? hey luv." Your stomach turns and does summer-sults. Murdoc, this could'nt mean anything good, for you or 2d. "M-murdoc." You reply "bingo! ow' are ya luv?" you hesitate, sure Murdoc could have changed in that slim time off of contact, but you doubt it. Mudoc was Murdoc, and Murdoc was crazy."I'm doing alright I guess, until you picked up the line." You hear a typical Murdoc chuckle, just his voice made the hairs on your arms stand up. "well then, good to know. Anyway, your probably wondering where 2d is taking that this is his burner phone." You chime in a little "mhm" and let him continue-.

"well, 2d innit dead- he ust' did somefing to really piss meh off, a beat the living daylights out of him, and when I searched the pussies car I found er' phone stashed away In the wanka's glove box." You heart drops at Murdoc's words, how could he do such a thing to 2d, his kind soul and face would make anyone rethink putting there hands on him- But for Murdoc it was a meer pocker face. "Murdoc! That's not ok, don't EVER put your hands on 2d." He scoffs on the other line. "Y/N I don't just do things for no reason, everything I've done has meaning. Like for instance- kidnapping you, I needed some secondary vocals, with Noodle ageing her voice was gaining base. You have a nice igh' voice that would have fit perfectly, if you had'nt escaped that is. 2d betrayed me, I just decided to give that lad a little lesson, he usally listens after one or two hits." You could'nt belive what you where hearing, Murdoc was ruthless but you where now growing more curious and you wanted him to get to the point. "Murd-" He cuts you off. "yeah yeah I'm getting there- he beat him up because he pissed me off, and he pissed me off because...-" Murdoc pauses for a second. "2d isn't the guy you think he is Y/N, he lies, he's twisted and fucked up." You where suprised by this- not his words exacly, you had a feeling Murdoc was just tryna get you soft, but the sound in his voice was different, like he was actually hurt.

"he made me feel worthless, like I'm not worth something. He said it was all my fualt, that I should be dead just like her." All his fault? What was all his fault? And who was dead? All these questions raced through your mind. "Who's dead?" He sniffled, he must have been really messed up. Maybe 2d really did do these things. "N-Noodle" These words shook your brain. Noodle? The little ball of sunshine you meet that horrid day? All the story's 2d would tell you about her. "Murdoc.... I'm so sorry. You have to talk about it if you don't want." There's a long pause after you say that, you think that maybe Murdoc had stopped crying? Probably not, he seemed really broken. "No, it's best if you knew." Everything about the moment gave an erie vibe. "The islands gone, so is kong. I've lost everything and I don't feel like moving on. Noodle was our only joy, she gave a ray of sun to our depressing lives; and now she's gone." You sit there, not saying a word. You understood how Murdoc felt, you couldn't believe it but you felt empathy for Murdoc. "I- Murdoc, that's horrible, you shouldn't have to go through that; but 2d, what did he do?"

You felt like that came out wrong, your about to fix your words when he cuts in. "2d just made things worse." Murdoc pauses for a second you thought this was off but you shook it off, let's be honest, Murdoc was odd. "It was 2d fault she died. He didn't bring her along, he killed her." His words weren't slurred or mumbled; he was straight forward. "2d... did that?" You couldn't believe what you where hearing, 2d killed Noodle? 2d destroyed Kong and the island? How could he...  Your phone beeps and it goes black. You phone has died.

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