the hotel

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You open your eyes, the world around you a hazy mess. Your head beats with pain. Where are you? Your eyes adjust to the light. You look around the room, you notice 2d beside you. You seem to be in a hotel room. Did you come hear after last night? You don't remember anything after you...kissed. It was amazing,  you keep replaying the memories when something snaps you out of it. 2d gets up, rubbing where his eyes 'where'. "Oh, mornin' Y/N." You smile. "Morning 2d!" Your still in your dress, 2d being in his suit pants, shirtless. You crawl over to his side of the bed, curling up in his arms, resting your head on his chest. Feeling his stomach go up and down as he breaths you feel calmer. "What happened last night, How did we get here?" 2d thinks for a minute. "wew, after we-" He hesitates for a second. "Kished, I brought us here to stay safe from Murdoc. We got the room till' 1:00 PM." You look at the clock, 9:30 AM. You must have fell asleep right after you had gotten to the room. "So that wasn't a dream." 2d perks his head up. "What wasn't a dream luv?" You blush. "The kiss." You notice 2d's cheeks go pink as well. "Oh yeah, dat was...very real."

You both get up and head down to the hotels gift shop to get some clothes, spending the day if your dress didn't sound ideal. You pick out a pair of black shorts and a F/C hoodie. 2d picks out a pair of skinny jeans and a plain t-shirt. "Da hotels breakfast service is still open till' 10:30." 2d gestures is fingers towards the hall, a sign hanging labeled: "Food Service" "Sound great." You hold his hand as you walk to the self serve join. Only a couple people where there. No one paying attention to you to. You take a seat as 2d gets pancakes for you two. "So what do you want to do?" He finishes chewing the bite and responds: "Oh yeah, I fink we should go to dis concert fing. You know how ta' play guitar right?" You nod. "It's nofin' much, we just play a little song for the folks. Other locals we be playin' as well." You smile. "Yeah I would just have to go to my house to pick up my supplies... and some new clothes." You both finish your food and 2d hails a taxi. Your now on the way to your house.

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