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𝟷,𝟼𝟹𝟻 𝚍𝚊𝚢𝚜


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FRANCESCA SHARPE WAS THE EMBODIMENT OF HUFFLEPUFF. However, most who knew of her wouldn't regard her as such. The Sharpe's were known to be Hufflepuff's, one had never not been so.

She had the usual traits; hardworking, loyal and impartial. But she definitely wasn't honest. She kept many secrets to herself that only her family and Aurora knew. She was the perfect badger, quiet and unassuming. If she was provoked, she could be just as vicious.

It why everyone gave up on the game of touching her. She grew a reputation for having notable attacks. She used her magical skill to the best of her abilities. Her most famous choice of spell was the melafors jinx. Nothing satisfied her more than seeing a pumpkin encase a students head. But what made it better was that she had enhanced the jinx to her own liking.

The pumpkin would start out at normal size, for a second, only to shrink down the size of a grape. They also couldn't remove the smell of pumpkin guts for a week.

She was the weird, angry girl who made pumpkin heads.

The four marauders always found it highly amusing, having never actually fallen victim to her jinx. In fact, for some strange reason, they had never participated in the games over their six years.

A scowl made it's way onto Francesca's face as she walked into he Great Hall Monday morning for breakfast.

There sat on the Gryffindor table was Peter Pettigrew a crowd formed around him, listening intently to his tale of what had happened in the apparition lesson. He was proclaimed the first winner of the game as he received multiple pats on the back from other students.

"Fucking prick." Aurora mumbled under her breath, walking alongside Francesca to the Hufflepuff table. "Someone needs to shove him off his high-horse."

When she looked at Francesca as they took their seats on the bench, a smirk was plastered across her face and her eyes were twinkling.

"You're going to do it, aren't you? It's been too long since you have." Aurora begged.

Francesca scoffed. "Damn right I am." Her eyes stayed trained on Pettigrew. "Just waiting for the perfect moment."

And that moment arrived, Pettigrew stood up, leaving the Great Hall to head to whichever class he had first.

Fran climbed out from the bench, Rory following suit, as they trialled behind the wizard. Breakfast completely forgotten.

James, Sirius and Remus were ahead of the boy, as people still asked Peter the story.

"Pettigrew!" Francesca shouted when they were a fair distance from the great hall, her eyes narrowed into slits at the boy.

He turned at his name being called, but his face widened at seeing her standing before him, the biggest scowl on her face.


"Melaforio!" She quickly cast, cutting him off from whatever he was going to say.

A pop sounded out and a pumpkin encased Peter's head. The size of it hit the two Ravenclaw students standing either side of him. But then it suddenly shrunk into the size of a grape. A pumpkin sized grape on Peter Pettigrew's body.

Laughter broke out in the corridor. Even though it was awful to fall victim to Francesca's wrath, the student body couldn't help but laugh whenever someone did.

And no-one laughed more than Sirius Black, who almost fell to floor due to laughing so much.

"Try it again, Pettigrew, and you'll wish you only had a pumpkin for a head." Francesca snarled.

He whimpered then ran from the corridor, straight in the direction of the Hospital Wing.

"And in three, two," Aurora counted down, already knowing what was going to happen next. "One."

"Miss Sharpe, detention with Filch, 7pm tonight." Professor McGonagall announced quickly walking down the corridor, her tone stern.

"Look forward to it." She saluted the professor.


Francesca made her appearance in the entrance hall at 7pm, where she was told to wait for the detention. Knowing Filch, he was going to have her cleaning something, without her magic. It was his favourite type of detention considering he couldn't enact his actual favourites.

Although, tonight's detention was only made worse when three more boys were with her. Three of the marauders. She was only grateful that Peter wasn't there. He was still in the Hospital Wing with a tiny pumpkin head.

"Hello gourd-geous. Loved the trick today, or was it a treat?" Sirius smirked, his head tilted.

Francesca simply rolled her eyes, choosing to ignore the Gryffindor.

Luckily, Filch chose that moment to make his appearance, Mrs Norris hot on his heels. "Rotten students. Should be expelled, the lot of you." He sneered.

"Lovely to see you too, Filchykins!" James charmed.

"If I had it my way, you'd be hanging from you feet in the dungeons." Filch mumbled, leading them into the Great Hall. "You'll be scrubbing the floors, by hand."

"You've got to be pumpkin-ding me." Sirius exclaimed, his hands going up in annoyance. "That'll take hours."

"Then you better get started."

For an hour, Francesca set herself apart from the three boys, choosing to actually scrub the floors as quickly as she could. It seemed only Remus had the same idea as her, as James and Sirius were lounging on one of the benches, throwing soap bubbles at each other from one of the buckets.

She groaned for what must have been the millionth time.

"Are you having a gourd time, Frannie?" Sirius questioned, a playful look in his eyes.

She sent him a deadly glare in response.

"Sorry, Sharpe." James apologised. "But you've occupied his thoughts since your stunt this morning."

"Don't start!" She pointed an accusing finger at Potter. "In fact, why don't you both actually help us so we can leave before next year?" She was exasperated. Irritated with the two boys' actions.

"You're feisty." Sirius said. "I like it."

"Sirius..." Remus warned.

"Stop being a piece maker, Moony." Sirius rebuked, a Cheshire grin on his face.

"Do you want a pumpkin for a head?" Francesca stood up taking a heated stance against Sirius.

"Do it. Crown me the pun-king."

Remus hid his laugh behind a cough. James laughed loudly, leaning against the table for support.

Even Francesca had to admit that it was a good one. Her hand fell away from reaching for her wand. "Look at you, pumpkin out puns like it's nobody's business."

All the boys gasped, surprised that she had joined in, instead of hexing Sirius.

Although, it didn't last long. Her face turned stoic once more, seeing that the two still weren't doing anything.

"Actually do the work, before I dump the bucket of dirty water on your heads."

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