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AS SOON AS TRANSFIGURATION HAD ENDED, Francesca was the first one out of the room. She didn't wait for Aurora or any of the Marauder's as she rushed to the Hospital Wing. It was lunch time and it would be the only time she could see Remus before he was led down to the Shrieking Shack for the full moon.

After the annual Potter Christmas Eve Ball, she was angry with Remus for hiding his pain. It was the day before the full moon and he had taken multiple potions to keep his strength up and put on a brave face.

She only realised at the end of the night when he almost collapsed on her. He flirted his way out of an argument.

I wanted to dance all night with the prettiest girl in the room.

This time around, there was none of that. As soon as he woke up, the boys had dragged him to the Hospital Wing where Madam Pomfrey would take care of him until it was time to take him to the Shack.

She pushed open the doors, her eyes scanning the room for the familiar mess of hair. It had been growing out recently, looking messy, but never as messy as James'.

She found him in the far corner, his eyes were closed as he laid on the bed.

However, his eyes snapped open upon hearing the footsteps heading his way. A small smile worked itself onto his face seeing his girlfriend marching towards him.

Remus moved to sit up, grimacing as he did so and Francesca took a seat on the edge of his bed, her hand automatically brushing his hair away from his face.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Like absolute shit, but better now that you're here." Remus grinned. He shuffled to one side of the bed and pulled her down to lie beside him.

She laid on her back, with Remus curling into her side, resting his head against her chest. With her free hand that wasn't wrapped around him, she was running her fingers through his hair.

He was burning up, sweat was sticking to his face.

This was the first time she was fully seeing the effects of before the full moon on him. And she hated it. There was absolutely nothing she could do to ease his pain. There was no spell, no potion, no muggle remedy that would help.

She felt absolutely useless.

The only thing she could do was hold him. So that's what she did.

For the entirety of lunch, Francesca held onto Remus running her fingers through his hair and tracing random shapes on his skin.

She let him sleep, knowing that he wasn't going to get much of it.

She had almost drifted off herself when pairs of feet walking towards Remus' bed startled her.

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