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"RELAX YOUR MIND, FRAN." Remus said, his voice penetrating the silence they had for ten minutes.

"What do you think, I've been doing?" She snapped, her eyes opening to narrow on the boy sat in front of her. "Sorry."

They'd been sat on the floor of an empty classroom for the past two hours. Remus had persuaded her to try and start learning to control her powers.

The first hour consisted of him grabbing her hand at random times. She had seen too many visions of him turning on the full moon. Of nights alone, drinking. She didn't want to know why those happened.

He had then suggested that she meditate.

She needed to find what her ability felt like in her mind. Find that power and turn it off like it was a switch. Turn it off and maybe, she'd be able to touch people without having to worry about seeing a vision.

They'd had no such luck so far. She couldn't quiet her mind long enough to find it.

"Let's try something else." Remus suggested. He gripped onto the ribbon that was still attached to Francesca's wrist.

"Imagine your ability is this ribbon. The ribbon is apart of you, always has been and no matter how much you hate it, you can't get rid of it, it's apart of you."

Francesca tilted her head in annoyance, wondering where this was going to go.

"On one end is someone, the person you don't want to see's future. And on the other, is you. The ribbon is the connection between you and them. But what if you just cut it. Cut that connection to them." He imitated scissors with his hand cutting the ribbon.

She smiled at the idea and closed her eyes. As he said, she imagined the ribbon in her mind. The bridge that was her powers. She could see it clearly, a gold ribbon shimmering in at the forefront of her mind.

She envisioned herself walking up to that ribbon and slicing it in half. They stayed floating in the air, but apart, no longer touching.

When Francesca opened her eyes, she felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

"I think it worked." She whispered, a smile on her face.

"There's only one way to find out."

She delicately placed her hand in his open one.

Nothing happened.

She kept repeating the action, waiting for a vision to grace her eyes, but she saw nothing.

"Remus Lupin, you bloody genius!" She grinned.

One second, they were sat cross-legged opposite each other and the next she was sat in his lap, her lips attacking his with such passion she never had before. Remus Lupin just might be her saving grace.


The pair walked into the Marauder's dorm. Remus had snuck her into the Gryffindor Common Room so that they could her abilities one last time and make sure that she had actually controlled them.

Most of the students were in the library, trying to get as much studying done as possible before the term came to an end for Christmas. Only one week of school left.

"How'd it go?" Sirius asked the pair as they walked through the door.

Since she had told Remus about her ability, she had also told the rest of the boys a few days later. They felt bad for her but were all for her learning control.

They had even told her that they were all animagus' now that she knew Remus was a werewolf. It was quite the emotional bonding moment between them all.

She only wished that Aurora could have been with them, but she knew that Aurora couldn't know about Remus being a werewolf, at least not yet.

"I think I did it. There's only one way to really prove it though." Francesca shrugged, her eyes falling onto James Potter.

The only Marauder she hadn't seen a vision of his death.

"This is my moment to shine." James stood up from his bed rubbing his hands together in anticipation.

Tentatively, she stepped out of Remus' hold and faced James.

This was the moment. This was the test to see if she really had control. She took a deep breath, then grabbed onto James' hand that he was holding out.

Francesca was stood in a living room watching as James Potter made puffs of coloured smoke erupt from his wand. A boy no older than one years old was sat on the floor reaching up to every bit of smoke he could.

The child was laughing as his fist always came up empty.

A smile crept onto her face as she realised that James had a child, but her face faltered when James didn't look old. He looked basically the same as he does now.

A door opened behind her and Lily Evans walked out, her hand on her hip as she frowned playfully at James Potter. So James would end up with the love of his life.

"Weren't you meant to put him down for bed a while go?"

"Maybe." James hummed, lifting up the child and placing him into his mothers arms.

He threw his wand onto the sofa as he collapsed onto it, yawning.

Suddenly, the front door burst open and James sprinted into the hall. Francesca followed close behind.

"Lily, take Harry and go! It's him! Go! Run! I'll hold him off!"  James shouted.

It was obvious to Francesca who this was. The dark robes, the sinister face. Voldemort.

The one everyone was so scared of.

And stupid James and gone to hold him off without a wand in his hand.

"Avada Kadavra!"

Francesca fell out of the vision as James Potter tumbled to the ground dead. She fell to the ground, as a scream left her mouth.

Remus was the first to crouch down beside her, pushing her hair out of her face,

"Fran, Fran, look at me!" He was panicking. She had never reacted this bad before.

She was in hysterics. Her breathing becoming erratic.

She only managed to get out three words. "It was him."

They didn't need to ask who 'him' was. They could all tell from the way she spoke.

Once she had calmed down, they managed to figure out that she did indeed have control of her power. Just not over the first touch. The first death vision was uncontrollable, no matter what, she would always see the person's death.

But everything after? She now had complete control.

Francesca knew how all of her friends were going to die, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

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