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AURORA AND FRANCESCA WERE SAT AT THE BACK OF THE LIBARY trying to work on their Charms essay, but failing easily.

They were heavily distracted. Aurora had wanted to know everything about Francesca and Remus' date.

The day after the date, Aurora had been in detention for the whole day, so she hadn't been able to find out any of the gossip.

On Monday, the classes restricted them from talking, so in the evening when they studying, the finally got to discuss all the details.

"I can't believe you two stalked Potter and Evans." Aurora laughed, not caring how loud it was.

It was rare to find Madam Pince venturing to the back of the library.

"Can you blame us? They actually went on a date. It was only the other day, she was hexing his arse for proclaiming his love on the Gryffindor table." Francesca retorted.

Aurora went off into another round of uncontrollable laughter. "That was hilarious!" When she had calmed down, Aurora straightened out her face. "So as your best friend, I feel like it's compulsory for me to ask you this. Do you really really like him?"

Francesca thought for a moment. Every time she was with Remus, she felt unbelievably calm. But not the calm type where she was bored. It was the calm where she felt the safest. If Remus was by her side, she could do anything. She sometimes found herself craving to actually touch him; to hold his hand, brush the loose strands of hair out of his face, trace every scar that she could see.

It was with no doubt that she liked Remus Lupin.

"I do. I really like him, Rory." Fran sighed happily.

"So what are you gonna do about it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well you can't bloody keep your distance from him your whole relationship." Rory pointed out, dramatically placing down her quill.

Fran's face froze. "I know. But I—"

"You don't want to know how he dies. I get it."

Francesca buried her face in her hands. "What do I do?" She groaned.

"You can either keep it how it is and forever regret not knowing what it would be like to kiss him, or you can. You can grab his face and smush your lips together."

"Did you have to use the word smush?"

"Yes. I love that word. I know, seeing how someone you care about is going to die, but is that small moment stronger than more lasting moments of comfort?"

Aurora pushed forward more. "Ask yourself, is he worth it?"

He most certainly was worth it. That much Francesca knew. So with renowned energy, she packed up her bag, leaving Aurora at the desk as she left the library in a hurry.


It felt like Francesca had been all over the castle searching for Remus. Not in the Great Hall for dinner. Not in the library. He certainly wasn't in the Gryffindor common room, where she had waited for fifteen minutes for someone to leave the room.

She had asked the second year student if he was in there, and they had gone back in to check, only to come out empty handed.

He wasn't in detention, because she would have known if he was. She checked the kitchens only to find the house-elves kicking her out immediately, claiming that if she wanted foot she'd have to go to the Great Hall like everyone else.

She tried the Hospital Wing. It was around this time of the month that Remus would normally fall ill. Merlin, she'd noticed he was weaker when they were on their date. He had bags under his eyes, his shoulders sagged, and he even sometimes had a slight limp. But no, he wasn't there either.

She was about to give up when she caught another fellow red head, walking out of the Great Hall.

"Evans!" She called out, never having really actually spoken to the witch.

"Sharpe?" The head girl answered, confusion swirled on her face.

"Have you seen Remus? I've been looking for him everywhere." She flushed, from running around everywhere.

"I think they said something about the trophy room." Lily answered unsurely.

"Great, thanks, Evans!" Without a second to spare, Francesca was running off again.

She prayed that the room would be on the third floor today, she couldn't fathom running all the way up to the sixth floor if it wasn't.

Her prayers were answered as she found the door and barged inside. Her face dropped as she found it to be empty of students.

The Marauder's were nowhere in sight. Her shoulders depleted in annoyance. Where in Merlin could he be? There wasn't many more places, she had left to look. She didn't want to look anymore, she was tired from running around the bloody castle.

As she headed for the door, she suddenly stopped in her tracks as she heard loud laughter. The loud barking laugh that she knew to belong to Sirius Black.

She turned to find the portrait of Brutus Scrimgeour, opening up to reveal a secret passageway. The four boys stumbled out.

"Francesca, what are you doing here?" Peter's head tilted to side as he was the first to notice her.

At hearing her name, Remus' eyes shot to hers.

He couldn't describe the look in her eyes, but, did he love it. Especially, when she ran towards him, the rest of the Marauder's moving out of the way to make space.

Surprising the fuck out of him, as soon as she reached him, she grabbed both of his cheeks and pulled his face down to hers, pressing her lips against his.

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