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FRANCESCA SHARPE HAD KEPT HER DISTANCE FROM THE MARAUDER'S EVER since the Hogsmeade incident. She couldn't look at Sirius and not tear up.

All she could see was his death. All she could hear was Potter's angry scream. That scream haunted her. She felt all of his pain for losing Sirius. It was obviously James' son, but where was James when this all happened? She had too many questions that she didn't want to know the answers for, just yet.

She wouldn't admit it, but in the time she spent keeping her distance, she missed them.

She missed them randomly popping up and saying hello and asking how her day was. She missed studying with Remus in the library when it was just them two. They'd lose count of what time it was, just talking and working together.

Francesca was slightly relieved when sixth year came to an end, she could focus on other things and have fun. That was all summer was meant to be about, wasn't it?

She had dragged Aurora with her, to enjoy the scorching heat. They were in the bikini's resting on a blanket as they tanned by the lake in Godric's Hollow. They had a small portable radio beside them playing music.

The lake of Godric's Hollow was the place to be when it was hot. Only a few of the village's residents knew about it. You had to trek through many fields to get to it, but once you did, it was definitely worth it.

There were spots to have picnics, but trees if you wanted to hide in the shade. A hill on one side of the lake that you could jump off of into the lake.

It was perfect.

And they had it all to themselves for once.

Until they didn't.

Both of their heads popped up when they could hear loud laughter coming towards them. The marauder's had come to the lake as well.

"Francesca, Aurora, what are you guys doing here?" James asked, furrowing his brows.

"I've lived in Godric's Hollow my whole life same as you..." Francesca rolled her eyes.

"You have?" James looked surprised to hear her answer.

"Yes, just on the complete opposite side of the village to you."

"Oh, how weird." He shrugged it off and placed their blanket down next to theirs.

Remus was immediately drawn towards Francesca, to the sunglasses on the top of her head to the bikini she was wearing. His eyes quickly snapped back to her face, not wanting to be caught staring at her.

"How's your summer been?" He asked, taking the seat on the blanket that was closest to her.

"It's been good, my mum's been teaching me a lot of wandless magic." Francesca replied, smiling at Remus.

"Really? How are you finding it?"

"Watch." Francesca's eyes twinkled for a moment and her gaze fell onto Sirius who was standing close to the lake.

With a flick of her wrist, Sirius was pushed into the lake by an invisible force.

The two of them held in their laughter as Sirius broke through the surface of the water, spluttering. "Alright who did that?" He glared at them all.

No one owned up.

"That's all I can do at the moment." Francesca whispered to Remus. "Haven't mastered anything else. It's harder than I thought."

"It's a pretty neat trick to know."

"How's your's been so far?"

Remus leaned back so that he was using his elbows to support himself. "Mostly spent my time at Potter Manor, it's where we always tend to be. But we do plan on going camping next week." Only they were using it as an excuse to all be together on the full moon.

"I can't imagine the others camping, do they even know how?" Francesca pursed her lips in amusement.

"Let's just say that they wouldn't function without me." Remus laughed.

Conversation flowed easily between the two, discussing all things from seventh year to what they wanted to do in the future. Francesca had absolutely no idea what she wanted to do, whereas Remus was thinking about becoming a teacher.

She could see it. It suited Remus perfectly.

It had crossed her mind that even though the rest of the group were lounging around shirtless and enjoying the sunshine, Remus was the only one to still wear a long-sleeved shirt. She was intrigued as to why he did cover up, but she had assumptions that it was to do with his scars.

The ones on his face, only made her guess that he had more, more that he wanted to cover up and hide.

She wouldn't ask why he had them as he would never ask why she doesn't like being touched. They each had their own boundaries and respected each others.

Even when they all went into the water to cool down, he left his top on. It seemed that Francesca was heavily fixed on Remus today as she could see every little thing about him. Each drop of water that stuck to his body, the way he ran his hand through his hair to push it out of the way, how she would sometimes catch him staring at her.

She saw it all and it made her happy. Her stomach was doing little flips when she knew he was staring at her.

When the sun began to set and they were dressed into their warm clothes, Sirius had built them a campfire, using magic to light it.

James pulled out the bottles of beer hidden away in his bag, passing them around.

They reminisced over the past six years at Hogwarts, laughing at funny memories and recalling points in time that they had all accidentally crossed paths.

None of them knew that this year was going to be different. Seventh year was the start of everything changing. Times were getting tough, the war going on becoming much worse. New friendships would form, new relationships, but some would break.

Some would betray.

And some would certainly die.

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