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EVER SINCE THIER FIRST STUDY SESSION, Francesca and Remus had many more. They worked well together, if one didn't know the answer, then the other did. They filled in each other's gaps and got the work done quickly and to a perfect standard.

But Remus still hadn't asked her out.

And the last Hogsmeade weekend had already appeared out of nowhere. Sixth year was almost to an end.

Francesca and Aurora had walked down together, skipping out on the carriages, instead wanting to make the most out of the sunshine. They were on a mission; they needed to stock up on enough sweets from Honeydukes to last them the whole of summer.

They both had a basket each, piling it high with an assortment of sweets. Although, Franceca had mainly selected Fizzing Whizzbees, she was secretly addicted to them.

She looked up as she heard a bark of laughter. Sirius Black was also in the shop, along with James, Remus and Peter.

His eyes caught onto Francesca's stares. "Ah, Francesca Sharpe! What are you doing in this fine establishment?" He asked, bringing himself and the Marauder's closer to the witch.

Aurora was glaring heatedly at Peter. He was cowering under her gaze, slowly inching behind James.

"What else would we be doing in Honeydukes?" She rhetorically asked.

"You could be stealing for all I know, your sketchy as fuck, Sharpe." Sirius replied, narrowing his eyes and staring her up and down as if he was looking for visible signs of theft.

"Ignore him." Remus whacked Sirius in the chest, pushing him slightly backwards. "He's being an idiot today."

"Today, isn't he always?" Francesca smiled, causing Remus to laugh.

"Hey!" Sirius shouted in protest but he was pulled away by James.

Even Aurora had retreated with the boys, them agreeing to give Remus and Francesca some 'alone' time.

"Stocking up as well, then?" Remus nodded his head in the direction of her basket.

"Yep, Sugarplums just isn't the same." Francesca answered, referring to the sweet shop in Diagon Alley.

"Agreed. Nothing beats Honeydukes' chocolate."

Francesca looked at Remus' basket to see it overflowing with chocolate. Only chocolate.

"Addicted are we?" She teased.

"How can you not be?" Remus grinned.

They continued to chat as they walked over to the counter and purchased their own basket of sweets and chocolatey goods. Once they were down, they headed outside and joined the others, to find them talking in hushed tones between them all.

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