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FRANCESCA HATED NEWTS. Only because she had to study so much. She barely got to spend any time with Remus anymore because everyone was constantly studying.

Hours into the evening, getting less and less sleep, spending every waking moment in the library. Aurora and Francesca constantly quizzed each other and upped the game they had made when they were taking their OWLS.

They had found a spell that they cast on a piece of parchment. On the parchment they had written down all sorts of questions that they could quiz each other on.

At random points in the day, a question would appear on the parchment. They had two minutes to answer it correctly, if they didn't, well. Something new happened every time.

But they always suffered.

The worst time was when they were in Transfiguration completing silent study. Francesca's paper had burned up in her pocket and she pulled it out to answer a question on Defence Against the Dark Arts.

She didn't want to disrupt the class but she had to speak loud enough for the paper to hear her answer.

But she got it wrong.

The paper blew a raspberry in her face before it turned into a cloud and drenched her in rain.

For two hours.

McGonagall was thoroughly impressed with the piece of magic, but didn't do anything to relieve Francesca from the pain of being drenched. 10 house points were awarded to Francesca and Aurora both for coming up with creative ways to revise.

In front of her currently was her Charms book, she was studying up on protection charms, especially the ones that protected an area such as muggle repelling charms.

It was one of the last set of charms they had learnt in Seventh Year, and it seemed to be the hardest. Not many people had been able to master it and they didn't have long until the NEWT exams.

"You're having trouble on that too?" Remus' voice appeared out of thin air from behind her, making Francesca jump in her seat.

"Bloody hell, Rem." Her hand was on her racing heart, looking at him with disbelief.

"Sorry, love." He pressed a quick kiss to the top of her head then joined her at the table, taking the seat next to her.

She hummed in reply and went back to reading her book.

Remus pulled his textbooks out of his bag, along with a quill and parchment.

They worked alongside each other mostly silent, occasionally asking questions if they needed a little help.

But soon enough, Remus became distracted.

By his favourite thing; Francesca Sharpe.

Her nose kept scrunching up and he found it the most adorable thing ever. He couldn't stop staring at her.

"Focus, Rem." Francesca stated, her eyes not looking up from her book.

"I can't." He whined, closing his text book and turning to fully face her. "I've done too much, lets' take a break."

"You only just got here."

"But we haven't spent time together in so long, I miss you, Fran." Remus pouted.

Fran lifted her face to look at him. She couldn't help but smile at him. "Once NEWTS are done we have all the time in the world."


Remus continued whining, doing everything possible to annoy Francesca and win. He fiddled with the end of her hair, repeatedly tapped the table, and mumbled her name under his breath.

"Damn, fine! But it's your fault if I fail." Francesca gave in closing her book as well. The smile on her face gave her away, she didn't blame him at all.

To be honest, she needed a break just as much as he did.

With their bags packed, they joined hands and were beginning to exit the small nook Francesca had taken over.

Only Remus had other ideas in mind than going to the Black Lake, he dropped his bag then gently pushed Fran against one of the bookshelves. His lips found hers, kissing her with need that he didn't know he even owned.

And Francesca kissed back just as much, her bag had also dropped to the floor as she wove her hands to the back of his neck, gripping his hair.

It felt like too much time had passed since they had last done anything like this.

NEWTS were literally starting the next week, but this was definitely something the two of them needed.

She sighed in pleasure as Remus started tracing circles on her hip, he had ridden her top up slightly to get the skin to skin contact.

Remus' lips moved away from her mouth and down the side of her neck. When he heard her mewling, he knew he had found the perfect spot.

It wasn't only thing, Remus was stood in between her legs and she could feel something very prominent against her.

"Maybe... we should take this someplace else." Francesca said, completely breathless.

Remus pulled away from her neck to stare into her eyes.

"I'd rather not get caught starkers by Madam Pince." Francesca grinned.

Her grin widened when Remus' eyes flashed gold, momentarily.

"I think I might know a place."


Remus had indeed known a place. A small alcove in a hidden passageway that no-one knew about. It gave them the privacy they needed to not be disturbed and most importantly not get caught by any teachers.

"Why are you blushing?" Aurora asked noticing that Francesca walked into the Hufflepuff Common Room, her cheeks a rosy red.

Hearing her best friend, Fran headed to the bean bags instead of their dorm room.

"Upon more inspection, your clothes are all ruffled, your hair is messy and your glowing." Rory listed everything off on her hand, completely forgetting about her Potions essay. "Circe's tit! You've had sex!"

"Shhh!" Francesca basically pounced on Rory to cover her mouth. "Scream it for the whole school to hear will you?"

When Francesca removed her hand, Aurora pulled her down into a hug, resting her cheek on Fran's head.

"My baby is so grown up. Next thing I know, she's going to run away with her lover and forget all about me."

"Not possible, you'd track me down then murder me for leaving you behind." Francesca said, squished into Rory's chest.

"Damn right, now tell me everything and don't skip any details missy."

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