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FRANCESCA SHARPE SPENT A LOT OF TIME and patience getting ready. It was her first proper date with Remus. It was a Hogsmeade weekend, and Remus had walked over to the Hufflepuff table, a few days prior to ask her to go with him.

She blushed like mad and of course said yes. As soon as he had walked away, Aurora could not stop talking about how adorable it was.

That evening, they had planned her outfit into the late hours, to the annoyance of their dorm mates to make sure that her outfit was perfect.

She had gone with black bell bottoms and a yellow knitted jumper. Her red hair was curled, keeping the front of her hair pinned behind her ears. Sleekeasy's Hair Potion was used to keep her hair from sticking out.

"Alright, how do I look?" Francesca spun to face Aurora who was perched on her bed reading Witch Weekly.

"Absolutely stunning, if his jaw doesn't drop, I'm going to kill him." Aurora announced, a wide smile on her face.

"Funny." Francesca rolled her eyes and pocketed her wand. She pulled on her cloak and headed towards the door only to find Aurora following behind. "What are you doing?"

"I'm seeing you off, of course. It's your first ever date, someone has to do it."

"Bloody hell." Francesca groaned, already imagining all of the things she could say that would embarrass her. It was not good.

They crawled out of the Hufflepuff common room, Remus leaning against the wall opposite. In his hands, he held a bouquet of blue and white hydrangea's.

"Hi, wow, you look amazing! Not that you don't everyday, because you do, look amazing everyday—"




He breathed out a laugh at Francesca's words. How could she be so calm? It was their first date, and he was nervous as hell. He didn't want to mess it up at all.

"These are for you." He held out the bouquet.

"They are wonderful." She smiled, taking them from him and smelling them. She then passed them to Aurora, knowing that she'd put them in a vase by her bed. "Shall we go then?"

"Not so fast." Aurora interrupted. Her face turned stoic as she looked towards Remus. "I've got a few things to say first."

Remus took a gulp and a side glance at Francesca told him she was annoyed, but also slightly amused.

"I expect you to treat my best friend with the uttermost respect, otherwise I may just cut off your balls. If I hear a single bad thing about how you've treated her on this date, I will shave off all your hair. Do not try to touch her unless she gives you permission, you hear me?"

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