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OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS, FRANCESCA BECAME CONFUSED. Whenever she walked past the Marauder's they walked past her, they would always greet her and say hello. She was suddenly gaining all this attention from the three most popular guys in school. She still ignored Pettigrew heavily and gave him the stink eye.

It was weird, them popping up to say hello when they could. Everyone was once again giving her strange looks.

Rory thought it was downright hilarious because Frankie would always try and find a way to escape the situation as quick as possible if there was a crowd watching them. Sometimes she just outright ran away.

She was currently sat in the library, a book about Inferi, open before her. She was struggling to write the essay about them that had been set for Defense. Death irked her so much, that she couldn't find the will to write it.

"Glare at the book anymore, and I think the words might actually attack you." Remus joked, taking the seat next to her.

He made sure that there was enough space between them so that they wouldn't touch.  She watched his actions, a small smile making it's way onto her face.

"I'd rather that, than trying to write this essay." She said, indicating to her blank piece of parchment.

She had written nothing in the hour she had been in the library.

"Ah, the Inferi essay."


"Well, the best place to start would be to define what they are. It's derived from the Latin word Inferus, meaning underneath or below." Remus leant forward and pulled the book towards him, quickly skimming through the pages.

She looked at him with wide eyes.

"Are you gonna start writing or..."

"Yes! Right." Flustered, Francesca grabbed her quill and started the essay, listening to what Remus would say and then wording it in her own way.

Within half an hour, she had written more than half of her essay all thanks to Remus Lupin. He had read from the book for her, highlighting the important parts for her to talk about.

"You are a lifesaver, Remus!" She thanked him, knocking on the table in appreciation.

That's what she did when she couldn't high-five anyone or give them a hug. Knock on the nearest surface.

"It's no problem, you were in dire need of my help, staring at the same page for ten minutes." He shrugged.

"I was?" She sunk into her chair, a little embarrassed.

"I don't blame you, Inferi isn't the nicest topic to study."

"It definitely isn't." She confirmed.


As Francesca reached the barrel's that hid the entrance to he Hufflepuff common room, she tapped the middle one on the second row to the rhythm of 'Helga Hufflepuff'. Silently, the barrels rolled around each other until an opening was revealed and she crawled through.

She entered the circular common room, immediately spotting Aurora sat on their favourite bean bags. It was the best place to sit in the common room, in their opinion, and they always seemed to be on them.

Even if they weren't free, Aurora would threaten who was already on them.

"How was the library?" Rory asked as Francesca jumped into the empty bean bag, making herself comfortable.

"Good, I actually managed to finish the essay."

Rory sent her a look. "Liar."

"Am not." Francesca reached into her bag and pulled out the parchment that held her essay. "See."

"Alright, who'd you pay to write it for you?"

Francesca gasped in shock. "Me? Pay someone? As if." She didn't admit that she was really thinking about it, if worse came to worse.

"I've watched you put off this essay all week."

"I may have had some help. But I didn't pay them anything!" Frankie cut Rory off before she could accuse her.

"Who helped you?" Rory narrowed her eyes.

"Uh, Remus Lupin." Francesca mumbled, fiddling with her hands.

"One of the Marauders?" Aurora was taken aback. "Don't you think it's weird how they've suddenly started talking to you?"

"It's so weird!" Francesca agreed.

"I don't like it."

"Neither, but I won't say no, if Remus ever wants to help me with an essay again."

Aurora asked her to continue with her hands.

"He didn't once question me why I couldn't do it, or make fun of me. Just straight away started helping, he also made sure there was plenty of distance between us."

Rory leant forward in her bean bag. "Do you have a crush, Frankie?"

She immediately blushed, then grabbed her bag and hit Rory with it. "No, of course I don't!"

"Yes you do!" Aurora laughed, her head falling back against the bean bag.

"No I don't."

The two argued in the Hufflepuff common room, whilst on the opposite side of Hogwarts in the Gryffindor tower, Remus Lupin walked into his dorm.

"So how'd it go?" Sirius wiggled his eyebrows in anticipation at Remus.

"We talked..."

"And?" James drawled.

"I helped her write the Inferi essay."

James, Sirius and Peter groaned simultaneously.


"You were meant to ask her out, dipshit." Sirius said. "That was the whole point of us finding her on the map for you."

"Oh, yes because, 'Hey Francesca, wanna go to Hogsmeade with me on the next weekend?' Is really going to work." Remus rolled his eyes.

"It would have!" James argued.

"We only had our first conversation the other day. It wouldn't make sense to ask her out." Remus explained.

"You wouldn't know, would you? You pussied out!" Sirius shouted into his bed.

He was thinking logically. He'd only been crushing on the girl since third year, ever since she hexed Willow Patterson from Ravenclaw. She'd made leeks sprout from the girls ears. Remus loved seeing the hex happen in person as Willow had always made fun of his scars. It was a win win situation for Francesca and himself, watching Willow suffer for a moment.

Since then, he crushed hard on her, just as much as James crushed on Lily, except  kept his crush a secret, pining over her, without anyone knowing. At least, that's what he thought, his best mates had apparently known for years and were now pushing him to ask Francesca out since their detention all together.

He knew it would never work between them, him being a werewolf, and Francesca not wanting to ever have skin-skin contact.

But he could always dream.

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