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FRANCESCA SHARPE BIT DOWN ON HER LIP as she stared at her reflection. She felt out of place wearing such an elegant dress. It was a gold wrap dress that the neckline went further down than she ever anticipated.

It wasn't like she picked the dress. If it was up to her, she'd wear something much more comfier, but her mother, Eliza, had placed the dress on her bed, only allowing Fran to wear this and not something else.

For the first time ever, the Sharpe's had been invited to the annual Potter ball they held on Christmas Eve. It was always the gossip in Godric's Hollow between the wizards if they were invited or not.

Ever since the Sharpe's had befriended the Potter's, Eliza and Euphemia had become fast friends and were planning the ball together. Euphemia was relieved to have some of Eliza's insight.

She found her parents by the front door, each wearing similar attire. Instead of making the trek across the village, they all apparated to outside of Potter Manor. It wouldn't have taken long, but both of the women were wearing heels, and would have rathered they stay on for the whole night.

The front door was wide open, only guests who had been invited were able to walk through the wards. Something Euphemia had gone to Eliza for as she had quite the reputation for protective charms with the Aurors.

The music was just loud enough that all the guests could hear each other. House elves were dotted around the house holding trays of entree's and alcohol.

Francesca's head scanned the room looking for four familiar boys. But she came up empty handed. Even Rory hadn't arrived yet.

"Eliza, Finley, you made it." Euphemia praised, reaching the family and pulling the two parents in close to kiss them on each cheek in greeting. "Oh, Francesca, dear, you look wonderful."

"Thanks, Mrs Potter." Francesca smiled, her eyes still glancing around the room.

Euphemia didn't miss a thing. "They're in the study, dear, and it's Euphemia."

"Thanks!" She was already halfway across the parlour once she knew of their location.

All Francesca could think about was seeing Remus Lupin, her boyfriend. Since the term ended, she hadn't seen him for a week and was already missing him too much.

She wanted to wrap her arms around him, kiss him till she couldn't no more. She'd been deprived of touch for so long, now that she could, she never wanted to let go. Especially not let go of Remus.

Opening the door to the study, the four boys were distracted and didn't notice her entrance. She leant in the doorway, watching them, amusement dancing on her face.

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