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𝟷,𝟺𝟹𝟽 𝙳𝙰𝚈𝚂


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SHE KNEW THIS WAS COMING. Francesca knew that she would see Remus' death when she touched him for the first time. But she still wasn't ready. Especially when she realised they were at Hogwarts.

Her head spun in circles searching for him. She was praying that he didn't look young. She did not want to have just got him and then he was going to die soon.

Hogwarts was in ruins. Students were battling death eaters everywhere. Spells being thrown about everywhere. Her eyes landed on pair that were in an intense duel.

It was silent, the two wizards casting non-verbal spells between them. She didn't need to hear their spells to know they were bad. She could see the colours of the spells. More than once the death eater had tried to cast the killing curse, but was always blocked by a protego.

She walked up to the non death eater and her body choked on a sob. It was no mistaking that it was Remus. He looked exactly the same, even though he must have been twenty years older.

She would always pick him out of a crowd, no matter what.

It only hurt more, when she heard the words coming from the death eater.

"Impetum flammas."

She screamed out no, as the purple spell struck Remus in the chest and he collapsed onto the ground. His eyes were left wide open. Dead.

Remus didn't realise what was happening until it was too late. He was drawn in, pulling Francesca closer to him. Only when he bit down on her lip did he realise what he was doing. He pulled away frantically taking as many steps back as he could.

"Fran, no, no, what did you do? Why'd you do that?"

Her eyes were still closed, but he could see the sadness on her face. Tears had blindly escaped and were pouring down her cheeks. Her hands were balled into fists.

The rest of the Marauder's had their mouths agape, stunned at what they had seen. It was Sirius, who came to his senses first, and nudged the other two boys to follow his lead and leave the trophy room.

Her eyes opened to find Remus, standing in front of her, alive, but distraught. "I care about you too much. I don't want to waste any moments with you." She whispered.

"Waste any moments, Fran, what's going on?"

She took a deep shaky breath. Her eyes stayed planted on the floor as she spoke. "When I touch people, I get visions, flashes of their lives. I can't control it. But when I touch people for the very first time, I—I see their death."

"How is that possible?"

Her eyes opened to look into his. "The Sharpe bloodline. Every single one of us has our own unique gift. Mine just happens to be a curse." She laughed, angry at it. Why did it have to be her?

"So...you just saw my death." Remus nodded taking it all in. "What—"

"I'm not going to tell you. If you knew, you wouldn't be same." Francesca sighed, pushing her hair back. "When I was younger, I saw how my grandmother died, that was when everyone realised that what I saw would happen. My grandfather went crazy once he knew how he was going to die, he did everything to go against it, isolated himself so that he wouldn't see anyone. He still died exactly as I saw, dragon Pox."

"You had this when you were a kid?" Remus asked, appalled.

"Mmm." She hummed in reply. She moved to slide down the wall next to him in a sitting position. "I was traumatised. They wanted me to learn control but I was too scared. It's why I wouldn't let anyone touch me, I didn't want to see their deaths. I see everyone's worst moment."

Remus scoffed. "Death is certainly not my worst moment." He also slid down the wall and sat next to her, but still made sure there was distance between them.

"Rem, I kissed you because I don't want there to be distance between us. So, those worst moments of yours, I will most likely see at some point."

Remus flustered for a moment, his eyes widening, and his hands shaking in his lap.

"I'm a monster." His voice had broke.

Francesca manoeuvred herself to sit in-between his legs and held his face in-between her hands, not letting his eyes leave hers. She was relieved to know that she didn't get a vision this time.

"If you're a monster. Then so am I."

"You're not a monster."

"I know how people will die and there's nothing I can do to change it. I think that makes me a monster."

She trusted him with her biggest secret, and maybe it was time to trust her with his. For all he knew, she could have seen him dying as a werewolf. She may already know.

"When I was four years old, my father got on the wrong side of Fenrir Greyback. As revenge, he forced his way through my bedroom window, and bit me on the full moon. I never thought I'd be able to come to Hogwarts, until Dumbledore came along. He made precautions. I'd be kept away from everyone, isolated on the moons."

Her fingers delicately traced the scars on his face. He had kept his eyes closed as he told her, refusing to see her reaction.

"And these?" She asked.

"If the wolf can't hunt, he attacks himself."

Leaning forward, she pressed a kiss to the deepest scar that ran down his cheek. His eyes opened in shock.

"It seems were both broken." Francesca smiled, sadly. Her forehead leant against his.

"Your not scared of me?" Remus timidly questioned.

"I may be scared of a lot of things, but you, Remus Lupin, certainly aren't one of them. It's one night a month that you become the wolf. How can I be scared of you, when I know the real you?"

Without a second to spare, Remus placed his lips upon hers, in a frantic state. He had never imagined telling Francesca about his furry little problem. And this definitely wasn't the reaction he expected.

He pulled her closer with her hip until she was sitting on his lap. Her arms wrapped around his neck, fiddling with the end of his hair. Pinching her hip, she gasped, granting him the access he needed, he deepened the kiss.

He kisses her to forget everything around him, to forget that he's a werewolf, to forget that she knows how he's going to die.

It's just him and her, two broken people living in the moment.

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