chapter two- Floo Powder

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"Well, I could eat!" Y/N shrugged. We all sat down at the table, Y/N between Ron and I, and Fred and George across from us. Along with sleepy Percy next to the twins. Molly and Y/N's mother served us eggs with loving grin.

"Want juice Y/N?" Mrs. Weasley offered, but Y/N kindly declined.

I heard footsteps thumping down the stairs, and appeared the young ginger girl; Ginny.

"Hey, Ginny!" Y/N waved, Ginny smiled and waved back.

"Um, mummy, have you seen my jumper?"

"Yes, dear it was on the cat."

"Ginny, would you like some eggs?" Y/N's mother asked, holding the pan. Ginny simply shook her head with a smile. Ginny looked around the table and her eyes landed on me.

"Hello." I greeted kindly. 

Ginny's eyes were open wide, and started shuffling back slowly. It looked like she spotted a ghost. Finally, she ran for it. Fred and George snickered. I glanced at Y/N; her eyebrows knitted.

"Ginny. She's been talking about you all summer! Bit annoying really." Ron said. Y/N started biting her lip and her eyebrows were still furrowed.

"Bit jealous, are you Y/N?" George said with a smirk. Fred laughed at his joke. Y/N's eyes shot up to the twins, her head still down.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She scoffed, Ron held in a laugh. The twins were about to say something back until a man came through the door, which I expect to be the Weasley father.

"Morning, Weasley's. Morning L/N's!"


"What a night. Nine raids. Nine!" Mr. Weasley exclaimed.

"Raids?" I asked, glancing at Y/N and Ron.

"Dad works in the ministry of magic. In the misuse of muggle artifacts office. Dad loves muggles, he thinks they're fascinating!" Ron responds.

Mrs. Weasley serves Mr. Weasley fresh cooked eggs, while he sits down with a sigh.

"And who are you?" Mr. Weasley asked, staring at me. Embarrassed, I turn my attention to him and introduce myself.

"Oh sorry, sir. I'm Harry, sir. Harry Potter." I declared.

"Good Lord, are you really? Well, Ron told us all about you, of course! Mostly Y/N. When did he get here?" He questioned, cutting his meal.

"This morning." Y/N's mother responded.

"Your son's flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night." Mrs. Weasley said, in a disappointed tone. The Weasley children, Y/N and I all put your heads down in guilt.

"Did you really? How'd it go?"

We all started to overflow of chatter, talking about how amazing it was to ride on a magical flying car. Mr. Weasley seemed satisfied with the responses, but Mrs. Weasley thought otherwise. She smacked Mr. Weasley's shoulder with a disapproving look.

"I mean- that was very wrong indeed boys! Very wrong of you." Glancing at the Weasley boys.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Y/N clutch my cup of orange juice and took a sip. Not noticing that it was mine, she placed it next to Ron, where I can't reach it.

"Now Harry, you must know all about muggles. Tell me, what exactly is a function of a rubber duck?"

Once Mr. Weasley finished the sentence, Y/N choked on the drink which, reflexively, made me pat on her back.

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