chapter twelve- Happy Christmas

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It was a wonderful snowy day at Hogwarts, frost surrounded the Quidditch field, the windows of this amazing castle, Christmas decorations filled the entire castle with joy and warmth. There weren't many people at Hogwarts since they went home for the holidays.  All the students were bundled up with warm clothes.

Professor Flitwick was putting up ornaments on the huge Christmas tree that was in the middle of the Great Hall, it was beautiful. I was with Ron and Harry, playing wizards chess. I didn't know much of wizards chess but Harry taught me and we partnered up to beat Ron. Harry was on the right side of me while Ron was across us.

"You guys are going to lose." Ron said with pride.

"Yeah, yeah. Uhh, knight to e5." I commanded, the knight moved front and then to the side. Harry had an impressed look on his face and Ron looked at the board, thinking. Hermione came walking with her truck and appeared on my left side, watching us play.

"Queen to e5." Ron said, the red queen moved to e5. The queen got up from her dear and picked it up to crash the white knight. I sighed in defeat.

"That's totally barbaric!" Hermione snapped.

"That's wizards chess." Ron said with a smirk.

"Hey 'Mione! Have you already packed?" I asked my best friend.

"Hi Y/N, and yes I have. Have you?" Hermione questioned, setting her trunk next to her. I shook her head.

"You all haven't packed?"

"Change of plans, my parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother Charlie. He's studying dragons there." Ron replied.

"And you?" Hermione asked.

"My mother went back to Pennsylvania to get the remaining boxes we left at my old house. So I'll be staying here for the holidays." I responded.

"Good, you two can help Harry. He's going to go look in the library for information on Nicolas Flamel." Hermione informed us.

"We've looked a hundred times!" Ron complained. Hermione scooted closer to us.

"Not in the restricted section." Hermione whispered.

"Happy Christmas. Oh, here are your presents. Don't open them until Christmas! "

"Thanks! Here is yours, Happy Christmas, Hermione." I said, Harry, Ron and I all gave Hermione her presents while Hermione gave us our presents.

We watched as she dragged her trunk and walked away.

"I'm starting to think that we have a bad influence on her." I said to the two boys and they both nodded.


"HARRY, Y/N WAKE UP!" Ron screams made my heart drop. I look around for Hermione but remembered she went home early, which made me a bit sad. I woke up grumpy, put on a bathrobe and grumbled, walking to the staircase.

"What? You scared me, Ron." I whined.

"Happy Christmas, you two." Ron said.

"Happy Christmas." Harry exclaimed.

"Yeah, Happy Christmas." I muttered, rubbing the tiredness from my eyes. I looked over to Harry and saw his emerald green eyes still drowsy, and his hair was messy. I don't mind it, I like messy hair, it's cute.

"Can't keep your eyes off me?" Harry snickered. I snapped out of my trance and smacked his shoulder playfully.

"What are you wearing?" Harry asked, Ron was wearing a maroon sweater with a big yellow R in the middle. It wasn't the most appealing, but it looked extremely comfortable.

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