chapter seventeen- The Unpleaset Surprise

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"Let's go this way." Said Harry, pointing to the only way forward which was a stone passageway.

We walked through the hallway that sloped down ward, which reminded me of Gringotts and that made my stomach churn. If we come across another dragon, that would be the last straw.

"Can you hear something?" Ron asked. Glancing around, searching for the source of the strange sound. It was a soft rustling and tiny clinking noises.

"Do you think it's a ghost?"

"No I don't think so. It sounds like keys to me. But there's a light ahead, there's something moving."

We reached the end of the passageway and saw a brilliant lit chamber, and the ceiling was high above our heads. Thousands of keys were fluttering around our heads.

"Curious. I've never seen birds like these." Hermione stated.

"They're not birds, they're keys!" Harry exclaimed.

"There has to be one where it unlocked that door." I said, pointing to the door across from us. Just as we walked a few more steps, a broomstick hovered in front of us.

"What's this all about?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know." Harry replied. Ron stared at the door, and took his wand out.

He approached it, followed by Hermione. I stayed put next to Harry, observing the broom.


Ron exclaimed aiming at the door. Unfortunately, the door didn't budge.

"Worth a try." Ron shrugged.

"What are we going to do? There must be a thousand keys up there."

"We're looking for a big, old fashioned one. Probably rusty like the handle." Ron suggested. I glanced up, searching for the rusty old key.

"There! I see it! The one with the broken wing!" Harry exclaimed, pointing to the key. Now I understood, we have to fly to catch the key.

"Right. I'll go." As I was about to grab the broomstick, Harry clutched my arm.

"Be careful. Please." Harry whispered.

"Harry don't worry. Did you forget who I am?" Glancing at Hermione and Ron, they nodded at my direction with a worried look.

I grasped the broomstick, all of a sudden, the flying keys dived at my direction like a swarm of bees.

I felt Harrys hands pulling my shoulders to make me not fly, but I shook them off and rode through the chaos.

Swatting the keys away from my face, after years of searching (along with screams of Hermione, Ron and Harry telling me where to go), I finally spotted the key with the broken wing. I finally caught it, until it let go of my grasp.

"This bloody key!" I yelled.

I finally caught it once more.

"Y/N! Throw it!" Harry yelped.

I dropped the key, Hermione caught it with a hop and struggled to unlock the door.

"Hurry up!" Ron yelled.

The broomstick wobbled due to the stress of being under pressure. Hermione, Ron and Harry entered the room.

"Y/N, fly in here! Remember, stay clam. If you don't, you'll crash!"

"Gee thanks, Harry!" I replied, I took a deep breath and dove straight through the door. Hermione and Ron slammed the door shut (while small bangs echoed because of the keys diving into the door) while I crashed on the ground with a grunt, right in front of Harry.

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