chapter two- Diagon Alley

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My mother and I arrived to this unfamiliar place. It felt strange, but it felt like a new start to something big.

"Over here darling!" My mother called me from my thoughts. We walked for awhile until we stop, behind a pub called the Leaky Cauldron. I looked at my mother with a 'where are we, and why are we here?' face. She laughed on the bewilderment expression I have. She took her wand out and tapped the brick wall, 3 times up and 2 times across. What is she doing?

All of a sudden, the bricks start to move and readjust themselves. I felt my jaw slightly drop and my eyes widen. They were moving, actually moving!  My mother smilied at my astonishment, "We have practiced spells, this.. is nothing."

I snap out of my shocked trance,

"I just can't believe I'm going to Hogwarts. I'm just so thrilled! " I replied, I mentioned that I was delighted the whole car ride. I feel bad for the poor woman, but she always keeps a smile on her face. We walked through the brick wall, (never thought I would say that) and saw the beauty of Diagon Alley.

I was surrounded by extraordinary sights. The cobblestone placed perfectly on the ground, buildings like shops, restaurants and such. The buildings weren't perfectly straight, they were all wonky, but that's what makes it amazing.

I was clutching onto my letter inside my jeans and walking close to my mother, it was crowded. Witches and wizards discussing happily among each other. Children pointing to their letter asking their parents where to get their supplies, others eating different sweets and goods, others selling their products. They were all dressed, unusual, well for me anyway. Owls flying above my head, soaring through the blue sky. It was full of magic and joy.

"Did you hear Emily? Harry Potter was here! He was here about 20 minuets ago! He's finally going to Hogwarts!" A tall, skinny woman with black curly hair said.

"Really? Did you see him? I can't believe he walked these grounds!" The other woman who was also tall and skinny replied, staring at the ground, looking like she wanted to kiss it.

"Mother? Who is Harry Potter?" I asked my mother, curious to what her response was going to be since her face visibly fallen.

"The poor boy," her eyes starting to water. "His parents were friends of mine, but they perished about 10 years ago. Many people know him because he was the only person who survived the killing curse. And for that reason, he has a scar on his forehead, shaped like lighting."

I was just about to ask more questions but I got distracted by the small crowd of children surrounding the glass of a shop.

"Wow! Look at it!" A curly-head boy exclaimed looking through the glass of a broom store. "The new Nimbus 2000! It's the fastest model yet!" He finished, the kids around his gasping at the new broom. I peek inside and see a wonderful broomstick, the brush was neatly put together. The stick itself was sparkling with the polish the store owner put.

In the front of me, was a white building, carved were the words Gringotts Bank.

"Why are we going to a bank?" I asked.

"I stored money for you since you were 3 in this bank."

What money? We walked through the doors of the bank, there were huge, bright chandeliers covered with crystals and gems hanging from the tall ceiling, and... people? Miniature ogres? Elves?

"Uhh, what are they?" I asked quietly for them not to hear me.

"Goblins, very clever, but you never want to mess with them." Mother whispered back, slightly leaning to her side in my direction.

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