chapter one- New Beginnings

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"Y/N!" I shoot my eyes open to the screeching sound of my mother's voice at 7 in the morning. Lovely. A wonderful way to get the day started.

I groan, remembering its the first day to that I will be attending Hogwarts. I blink a few times, trying to adjust my eyes to the blinding rays of sunlight from my window.

I practically slide off my bed (almost tripping with all the boxes in my room since I moved to England a few weeks ago,) and put on a hoodie with sweatpants because it was freezing. I walk over to my desk and saw the letter, the letter from Hogwarts. I remember the first day I got it, a few months ago.
The letter was like no other,

Dear Ms. L/N,
     We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Students will be required to report to the Chamber of Reception upon arrival. Please find enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment. Terms begin on September 1st, 1991. We await your owl no longer than January 31st. To avoid detection by Muggles, please use the entrance located at Kings Cross Station Downtown London, on platform 9 3/4. We look forward to having you at our school.

Yours sincerely, 
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress.

The emotions I felt once I touched the envelope rushed though my body, the excitement to go to a school were you can learn Magic, the fear of the life I will leave in Pennsylvania, the pleasure of finally having a chance to go to Hogwarts. And the curiosity, is this real? Am I going to finally find- someone's footsteps snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Y/N, are you awake?" My mother asks while knocking on my door. I shove my letter inside the pockets of my hoodie, and run my fingers through my hair, pretending I got up 20 minutes ago.

"Yeah! uh," I reply, trying to think of an excuse why I didn't come downstairs and get breakfast. She walks in my room with her dirty blonde hair in a messy bun, tea in her right hand and her left hand resting on her hip while leaning on the doorway. "Sorry mom, lost track of time." I chuckled awkwardly.

"We can't lose track of time especially today, It's a long day so better start getting some breakfast." She said with a faint smile. With that, she left and went downstairs. I put my (h/c) hair into a quick bun because I don't have all the time in the world to be pretty.

----------(Time span)

As I drag myself down the creaky stairs, I smell the crispy, sizzling bacon fresh off the pan. Making my stomach growl, begging for food. I plop myself on a chair and start eating, well, not fully eating. More like picking at my food with my fork. I look around my house and sulk it all in before I leave for Hogwarts.

I glance at the red ball in a random box, remembering about the one time I played catch with my father before he 'past away'. I almost broke my grandmother's vase. I look at the bookshelf full of books my father had written and with pictures of my father, my mother and I. He was my favorite author in the world, his books really speak to me. He really was extremely talented, until he suddenly went missing when I was 7 year old.

My mother is convinced he died but I think otherwise. I think he went missing, how could he possibly die out of nowhere? I don't remember much about him, but I know he was great from all the pictures and short memories I have of him.

There was one picture of the shelf that caught my eye. The picture frame was elegant but also old, it had a gold color and looked beautiful.

It was a picture of my father with his book he had written in his hands, he was holding the thick but small book up high with a victorious smile plastered on his face. The book was called, "The Secrets Behind The Dark Side." I never knew what he meant by that, obviously a 'dark side' but he would always use riddles and metaphors. I haven't payed much attention to it until today, I've been so busy juggling muggle school work, and magic.

I don't know much about the wizard world, only the things I read about and things my mother has told me which are the basics. We practiced spells in the backyard so I wont break anything. She mostly gave me thick, antique books to read and gather more information. I love reading, it makes learning so much enjoyable for me. Probably got the love for books from my father.

"Go on," my mother says with a frown, sitting on the chair next to me. I think she noticed I was day dreaming, which I do every second, every minute of every day. "eat my dear, you need it." I did as she told me and finished my breakfast.

Before I knew it, I finished my breakfast and brushed my teeth, took a shower, changed, brushed my hair, all that boring stuff, and it was time to go to a place called 'Diagon Alley' which was the place to go to get my supplies that were mentioned in the letter.

(A/N: first chapter done! This one is really short, the next one is long so get ready.)

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