chapter four- Our New Home

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"Righ' then! Firs' years! This way please! C'mon, now! Any more firs' years?" I heard this big, giant man call all first years. Harry, Ron Hermione and I all step out of the train to a huge dark platform.

"'Ello, Harry." Hagrid welcomed Harry to the new grounds.

"Hi, Hagrid!" Harry replied.

"Have you read any books about Hogwarts, or magic itself?" Hermione asks, giving all her attention to me.

"Yes, a bunch actually, it's very interesting. You know, the history of the castle and the concept of magic. I love reading so there should no problem learning in Hogwarts, muggle school was hard, so I suspect Hogwarts is harder." Hermione's eyes widened. I think it was safe to say that she was surprised another student that she meet reads as much as she does.

"Really? Well, I suppose that you and I will have a friendship far more better then we both expected." She smiled, happy that I nodded in agreement.

"Are you a Muggle born?" She asked, quietly so nobody can hear.

"No actually, my mother is a witch father was a wizard." I replied, more quiet than she was. Hermione nodded, then she leaned closer to me.

"I'm a Muggle born, but I hope that won't change anything in our friendship." She looked at the ground her face visibly saddened.

"It won't! You will be my best friend 'til the very end, Hermione Granger." I replied, with a warm smile. She looked up from the ground and looked at me in the eyes, I can see tears forming in hers. She thanked me and I put my hand on her shoulder. Then, we both turned to Hagrid and the boys, Harry and Ron.

"Righ' then! Follow me!" Hagrid bellowed.

We followed Hagrid through a narrow, steep path. Trees surrounding all around us. It was hard to not fall while walking down. It was difficult to see since the trees blocked the light of the moon, it was so dark. I tripped a few times on twigs and tree roots along with other students. It felt like we were walking since forever through this path.

Just when I started to lose hope, the path opened to a huge lake. I remember reading about this, it was called the Black Lake. There were mountains as tall as the sky can go. The sky was filled with twinkling stars. There, we found the castle, Hogwarts. It was a extensive castle with many point towers.

We all saw little boats scattered on the Black Lake.

"No more'n four in a boat!" Hagrid shouted for all of the students to hear. Hermione, Ron, Harry and I all went in one boat. Hermione and I in front, Ron behind Hermione and Harry behind me.

"Everyone in? Righ' then. FORWARD." Hagrid ordered. The boats obeyed and did what Hagrid said. The water was glistening from the light of the lamps that were sitting in the boats. Everyone was pointing at the castle that was standing before us. It was enormous, there was no  knowing if the castle had a beginning or an end.

The water scared me though, the darkness and not knowing what lies beneath is what scared me the most. The fog didn't help either. I assume I tensed up but I didn't notice until Harry put his hand on my shoulder and rubbed it. I turn to him and gave him a smile, just to see his beautiful, sharp, emerald eyes again.

"You're okay, I'm here." He whispered and flashed his famous smile. He looked back up to the castle, admiring the view.

I turned away to face Hogwarts and saw Hermione side eyeing me. I gave her a confused expression and she laughed it off. I heard Ron whisper 'wicked' about 4 times behind me. I can't believe this is where I am staying. I can't believe this is my home.


Hermione, Harry, Ron and I all huddled up together at the entrance of Hogwarts. The doors swung open to reveal the steps we had to climb. Everyone was chattering quietly.
Random students said;

"This is amazing!"

"Imagine the views!"

"Shut your trap, Crabbe."

"What house do you want to be sorted in?"

Oh no, the sorting! I haven't even thought of that. Where am I going to be placed? Am I going to get a house I don't want? My thoughts were swarming around the place.

A tall witch with emerald robes and a pointy hat was standing in front of a door. She had a stern face on, which made all the students quiet. We all gathered around the stairs.

"Welcome to Hogwarts! Now, in a few moments you shall pass through these doors and join your classmates, but before you can take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses." The tall woman said. From the corner of my eye, I see Ron and Harry glance at each other with nervousness in their eyes.

"They're Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw...and Slytherin. Now while you're here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will give you points, while any rule breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with most points awarded the house cup-" The tall woman got cut off by the boy who lost his pet toad if I remember correctly, his name is Neville.

"Trevor!" Neville shouted grabbing his toad and earning a few chuckles from a few students. Hermione looked slightly disappointed. Neville looked back up to see the tall woman giving him a stern look.

"Sorry." Neville apologized. I chuckled softly and heard Harry and Ron chuckle as well.

"The sorting Ceremony will begin momentarily." The tall woman said while giving one last look to Hermione, Harry Ron and I and turned to walk away. I was going to chat with Hermione until a blonde boy started talking to us, with a nasty look on his face.

"It's true then," He said with two other boys behind him who are quite bigger than him. Hermione, Harry, Ron and I whipped our heads to the direction the boy was talking in. 

"What they're saying on the train." He continued,"Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts."

This sentence was followed by gasps of other students behind us. He came in front of us and looked Harry dead in the eye.

"This is Crabbe, and Goyle. And I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." Ron stifled a laugh, honestly I was about to as well. Draco didn't think it was funny and whipped his head in Ron's direction, I was between Ron and Hermione.

"Think my names funny do you? No need to ask yours. Red hair, and a hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasley."

I scowled at him, he didn't notice I was there. But when he did, his grey, ice cold eyes soften, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and he turned to Harry once more.

"You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't want to go and make friends with the wrong sort," Draco whipped his head at Ron, clearly talking about our ginger friend.

"I can help you there." He held his hand out for Harry to shake. Ron, Hermione and I all waited tensely, praying for Harry to decline. Thankfully, he did.

"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks." Harry replied coolly. Ron, Hermione and I sighed in relief. I broke a soft smile and Draco stared at me for the last moment before the tall woman came back and tapped Draco on the shoulder to move.

"We're ready for you." The tall woman said turning to the great big doors behind her.

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