chapter three- Hogwarts Express

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Mother and I arrived to King Cross Station where Platform 9 3/4 was located that was mentioned in the letter. We got a cart to put my supplies and Athena in. Muggles were staring at me with confusion on their faces while I was pushing my cart full of unusual items. I didn't care because I use magic and they don't, they are really missing out. I don't understand how they can live without magic.

"Packed with Muggles!" I heard a ginger lady talking to her children, about 5 of them.

"Mother did you hear that? Another witch is here!" I exclaimed quietly, for the Muggles to not to hear, with excitement rushing through my veins.

"Of course, dear! It is the first day for first years just like you!" She said while helping me push the cart. It was rather heavy than I expected it to be. I think the smallest ginger boy is a first year. We started walking closer to a wall between platform 9 and 10. I watched as the ginger family one by one run inside the wall. RUN INSIDE THE WALL?

"Did you see the boy run inside the wall? How did he do that?" I asked in amazement of this place.

"Magic, of course!" She said, laughing at my question.

"He's not Fred I am!" Shouted a tall ginger boy.

"Honestly woman, you call yourself our mother." Continued the other boy who looked exactly like him. Of course, they're twins! One of the twins stepped up to run into the wall.

"Im only joking, I am Fred!" Joked Fred, or the other boy, I cant tell if they're playing tricks. But I can tell they like to joke around, they might be fun.

I noticed that another boy was with the ginger family. He has jet-black hair, green eyes and round glasses. His clothes didn't fit him very well but I didn't pay much attention to that. Mother couldn't see him because I was blocking the view. We walked closer and the black-haired boy went through the wall. I was going to show mother the boy but it was too late, he already passed through.

"Oh hello! Another first year I assume?" The ginger lady asked my mother and I while we get closer and closer to the wall. Shaking my mothers hand with a warm smile. The ginger boy and the little ginger girl smiled awkwardly.

"Yes! This is Y/N, she's quite nervous for today." My mother replied with a warm smile on her face also.

"Oh excellent! My name is Molly. This is Ron, he's is a first year and is nervous for his first day as well. Not to worry, it will go just fine! Oh, and this is Ginny, she's too young to attend Hogwarts now." Molly said. Ron was glancing at me and to the ground again. Ginny was frowning, most likely because she wanted to go to Hogwarts.

"Nice to meet you Molly, my name is Alana." My mother said, grinning ear to ear.

"Nice to meet you Ginny and Ron." I said awkwardly. They both smiled less awkwardly now.

Mother and Molly have been talking for a while now. They really connected fast with each other. Mother hasn't had many friends after the incident of her friends that died 10 years ago. I was glad she made another friend, and maybe Molly's children would be my friends.

I bid farewell to my mother, Ron did the same. I ran through the wall followed by Ron. We turned to the right of us and our faces visibly changed. My eyes widened while Ron's jaw dropped.

"Bloody hell!" He exclaimed, astonished at the sight of the train. Hogwarts Express were the words in front of it. There were random numbers on it and steam hissing, surrounding the train. It was colored with a beautiful scarlet and black color. It looked like the train can go for forever, it was so long.

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