chapter seven- Cat Lady

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We marched inside the Great Hall and sat down in the Gryffindor table. I sat next to Hermione while Harry and Ron sat across us. I brushed the dirt from my robes and sighed. Ron gave his famous sympathetic side smile, Hermione's tears have suddenly evaporated, and Harry was still tense and angry.

"Hermione, what do we have today?" I asked trying to clear the air, taking a bite of my toast. She took out a chart.

"Well, we have transfiguration, potions, charms, flying lessons...flying lessons? Are we even going to survive that?" Hermione said, her eyes wide scanning the schedule.

"I fink it's bes' not to fink vat way, 'ermione." Ron replied, with his mouth full of food. Hermione gave a slight disgusted face since he was spitting everywhere.

"Uhh, anyways...are you excited Harry? For the classes?" I ask, drinking pumpkin juice.

"Dunno, you never know what to expect in this place." Harry said with a chuckle.

Once Harry finished talking, a white snowy owl came soaring through the Great Hall. We don't get mail this early, but curiosity got the best of me. Harry's eyes lit up with excitement, watching his owl fly towards us. The owl fluttered her wings and landed right in front of Harry. Hedwig dropped a note on Harry's plate. He tore it open with exhilaration.

"Ron, may I borrow your quill, please?" Harry asked. Ron nodded and gave him his quill. Harry started writing rapidly.

"Well, who was it from?" I questioned.

"It's Hagrid, he wants us to go and have tea with him and talk about our first week." Harry answered with joy in his face. 

"Hold on. Ron, Harry, where are your books?" Hermione noticed, glaring at them with slight rage. I noticed too and I playfully rolled my eyes and laughed. Ron had a horrid look on his face and Harry had a look of realization.

"We left them." Harry and Ron said in unison. Their faces turned pale when they comprehended. Hermione had her jaw clenched and her lips pierced. She slowly started moving closer to the red-head and the raven-haired boys. Her eyes darted at them.

"You forgot your books?" She asked slowly with a serious tone in her voice. Ron and Harry slowly backed away in fear. I tried so hard to swallow my laugh.

"What are you waiting for?! Get them. Now!" Hermione snapped in a whisper with a scoff. "We'll meet you two in class. Don't be late. Come on Y/N, we have to get to class." She finished, standing up and snatching my arm to pull me with her.


"How can they possibly do something so stupid?!" Hermione asked me, while walking to the first class of the year. I chuckled, thinking of how ironic it was that they forgot their books on their first day.

"At least they'll get in trouble and not you." I replied with a smile which made Hermione huff. We finally made it to class where everyone was taking their seats. I, of course, sat next to Hermione.

"Good morning class." Professor McGonagall welcomed.

"Good morning" The students greeted back.

Professor McGonagall started talking about the rules and what-not. I payed attention (sometimes) but I can't help my thoughts going to outer space.

"This class is called Transfiguration for a reason. Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts. Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned. Now, I will be teaching you all the art of changing the form and appearance of an object or a person. For example."

McGonagall said, while walking behind the desk. "I want each and every one of you to write what is shown on the board while watching me."

All of a sudden, she shrinks and is nowhere in sight. I leaned on my desk trying to get a good look. Suddenly, a grey cat with black stripes jumped on the desk. I gasped in amazement, which made the cat/McGonagall wink at me. I glanced around to see everyone's reaction, but while I was looking around, I noticed Harry and Ron were still not here.

I started writing swiftly with my quill. I didn't notice that Harry and Ron had come stumbling in the classroom. Hermione rolled her eyes while I shook my head with a stifled chuckle.

"Phew! We made it. Can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late?"

Way to go Ron.

McGonagall transformed into her human form again showing Ron that she has been watching the class. Ron and Harry's mouths were open.

"That was bloody brilliant!" Ron gulped.

"Thank you for that assessment Mr. Weasley. Perhaps it would be more easy to transfigure Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocket watch? That way one of you will be on time!" McGonagall said.

"We got lost." Harry replied.

"Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats!" She finished, walking back to her desk. Ron and Harry sat in a table near us opening their books.

As we were writing, we all heard a bang from a corridor near us. Our heads whipped to the direction where the strange sound was coming from.

"E-Excuse me, keep writing!" McGonagall announced. Walking speedily out of the classroom.

"Psst! Y/N!" Harry whispered. I turned to him and blinked interested.

"Did you see what Professor did? She- she turned from a cat into a human!" He muttered.

"Well yeah, we are in Transfiguration class, Potter. Don't be so surprised, this is Hogwarts after all." I whispered back with a chuckle. Hermione shushed me before I can say anything else. Just in time too, McGonagall came back into the class.

"It was just two 3rd years pulling pranks again, nothing to worry about. Now go back to your notes." McGonagall said. I looked over to Ron and he had a nervous expression when McGonagall informed us.

This year will be fun.

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