
I woke up as my loud and annoying alarm went off. Today was Monday, one of the worst days ever. The first day of the week, first day of work.

I have a job at Starbucks whilst I finish college and it's exhausting. By the time I'm done studying and working I'm basically put in sleep mode.

I slip on my Starbucks shirt, which every employee wears. I slip on a pair of black jeggings and some uggs.

I grab a granola bar from my cabinet which is lacking food and I walk into the living room, plopping down onto my ottoman and turning on the TV.

The news is always talking about the criminals that have been trying to take down the government everyday, and they still continue to talk.

"In recent news, the criminals known as The Resistance, have recently broke into many stores and have vandalized most of the promo signs for the president. More news coming up soon." The news reporter says.

I sigh and stand up, turning off the TV. I grab my purse and exit the door, heading toward a long day.


The day finally ends and I make it to my small apartment, ready for a night full if sweet dreams.

I throw my purse onto the table and make my way into the living room, hearing some shuffling coming from my room.

I shrug my shoulders and continue to the living room. I yawn and turn on the TV again, seeing more news about The Resistance.

"2 males have recently been spotted near the Spring Apartments. Please keep watch and we advise you to lock your doors and stay safe. That is all, and goodnight." The news reporter finishes.

I turn off the TV and lock my doors, turning off the lights and going to my room.

I enter my room and sigh in relief. I am ready to lay down and fall asleep as fast as possible.

I go to my drawers and take out a pair of little black shorts and a band tee, changing into them and stretching my arms when I'm done.

I hear something move in my closet and instantly turn my head towards the creepy noise. I slowly walk towards the closet and pray that there's nothing in there.

I turn the knob and open my mouth to scream but a hand stops me. I'm going to die...


Hi guys! This is the first official chapter of this book! I know some of you guys are upset that I deleted the original but I promise I didn't mean it. I was an accident and I cried a lot. All my hard work was flushed down the drain But I'm ok now!

~Autumn Irwin 🐘🐧🐨🐙🐢

[[PS: The octopus emoji is my fav! 🐙]]

The Resistance | Irwin AUWhere stories live. Discover now