
I am shaken awake by Lou and he tells me that the group is having a meeting and that I need to be there.

I rub my eyes and sit up, stretching and yawning. I stand up and Lou hooks his arm with mine and we walk to the big tent.

We enter and I see a ton of people. They all turn my way and my face turns red from all the attention. Lou continues to pull me and we take a seat.

Haz finally goes to the front and begins to speak about the government and how we still haven't beat it.

"Tonight, I'm gonna have a small group go out and get some supplies. That group is Ash, Lukey, Fall, Lou, Micky, and me. We will be leaving at sunset."


We all head out, Haz telling people to send help if we aren't back by morning.

I walk with Lou and Lukey. They tell me funny stories and I giggle occasionally.

"Can you please shut the fuck up Fall? Your giggle is annoying as hell..." I hear Ash say.

I roll my eyes and we continue on, the silence almost unbearable.

Haz tells us to slow down.

"We are here..." he says.

The parking lot is empty and it's dead silent. I shake slightly from the nerves and Lou gives my hand a reassuring squeeze.

Haz shoots the cameras and we all run to the door. Ash kicks in the door and the alarms start to blare.

"Ash?! What the hell?!"

Ash runs to the back of the store and we hear the distant sound of sirens.

"Everybody, split up and grab something." Haz yells.

I run, leaving Lou. I run in the direction that Ash went. After searching endlessly, I finally find him next to some bottles of vodka.

He looks up at me and hiccups. I pull him up and pull him along. I hear some cops and soldiers call out.

"Where are you punks?!"

I see a back door and immediately run, with Ash's weight, towards it. I kick it open and push Ash outside. 

I hear them behind me and I put my hands up. I get down on my knees and they handcuff me harshly.

They push me out the broken front door and into the back of the cop car.

I just got arrested.


Hey guys! I'm so tired and I just haven't been up to much recently. Because on Wednesday, I came home and was told my grandma passed away. It is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be.

~Autumn Irwin 😜😘🔥🙋🏻🌚🐙👓👽💅🏻😁😀👑💕💖✌🏻

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