I wake up and feel sickly and weak. There is a bruise on my stomach and I feel like I'm going to vomit. These stupid people have possibly killed the only real joy in my life and I'm going to kill them for it.

They are going to pay.

I hear the door open and look up, seeing a man in a white lab coat look me over. He looks at the screen that shows my vital signs and heartbeat. He hands me a pill and when I don't take it, he looks slightly annoyed.

"Please take the pill miss," he says but I just roll my eyes in annoyance.

"Don't make me force it down your throat.." he says in a more serious tone.

He leans down and when he gets close enough I headbutt him and he falls back but quickly sits up and slaps me.

I gasp in pain, and he quickly leaves the room, but I smile. I grabbed his small ID card with my teeth. It has one key on it and a card you can scan

I use the key to unlock my hands which are chained up. I sit up quickly and jump off the medical chair. I scan the card and exit the room quickly. I run down the empty corridor, until someone runs in front of me, knocking me down. It's the president.

"Well, what do we have here?" She says in a sarcastic tone.

I quickly stand up and run in the opposite direction, only to run into a soldier. I cry out when he grabs me by my hair, dragging me to the president.

I thrash away, only to be pulled harder.

"Why me?!" I cry.

"Why you...? WHY YOU?! My own son turned against me to join the resistance.. And you are the key to hurting him," the president says.

"Ashton...Is your son..?" I say.

"Yes..And I'm going to lure him out of hiding...Using you.."


Cliffhanger! Haha!

How long has it been since I've updated this book?

A long gosh dang time!

But anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter and have an amazing day! Love y'all and goodbye!

~Autumn 😝💞

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2017 ⏰

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