
Things had been going well with Ash and I. He is the sweetest, once you get to know him. It took me forever to get to the point of trust with him. But I did.

Things had been quiet in the government, but everything was good. Our camp hasn't been discovered and that's good.

"Haz, is there any missions that need attended to?" I ask as he walks by.

"We need to go on a supply run, if you would like to..." He offers.

"Yeah, I would love to!" I say.

I've sat around the camp for to long, so you can probably understand my excitement. I grab my mid-top converse. I put on a black pair of leggings and I camouflage long-sleeve shirt. I put my converse on and make my way outside.

Everyone is ready and I notice that Ash isn't there.

"Is Ash coming?" I ask.

"No, he wants to relax. Some of us aren't as excited as you are to leave the camp..." Lou says, rolling his eyes.

I roll my eyes and we begin our journey though the thick forest.

I understand why Lou is mad at me but he seriously needs to get over it, I love Ash.

After an hour of walking we finally see a store and all the lights are off. We rush up to the store and climb onto the roof. We go through the vents and get into the store.

I walk to the pregnancy tests and grab a couple of boxes. Then carry on to getting food and water. Medicine too.

Once we got everything we go back out through the vents and head back into the woods. I hide the pregnancy tests in my jacket and start to feel sick.

I continue to walk until I have to stop and puke into the bushes. I grab my stomach and lean over. I wipe my mouth and stand up, continuing to walk.

We make it back to camp and I quickly run to the bushes so no one can see me and I take the test. Waiting for a pregnancy test feels like hours. The results come up and I cover my mouth.

I'm pregnant...


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in forever but I've been super busy and it's super late right now and I'm super tired but I took time to update! Love you and goodbye!

~Autumn Irwin 😜🐙😇💁🏻🙋🏻☝🏻️🍆🔮

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