Chapter 19: Jasper

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"Fortune is like glass--the brighter the glitter, the more easily broken." -Publiluis Syrus


"I hereby crown Thranduil Oropherion King of the Woodland Realm!" The branch woven headpiece is placed carefully on Thranduil's head as his coronation ends. He stands and looks over the people he will rule for years to come--they're normal elves with an aura of trust and loyalty. Except for two.

The one is his brother who stands in the back of the room, guarded on both sides. Thranduil allowed him to come out of exile for his special occasion. His aura radiates hate and indifference caused by the fact that even with a new king, he will still be a recluse. He is perhaps the most dangerous person here besides Thranduil himself.

The other elf who catches Thranduil's attention is a woman. He has seen her multiple times around the kingdom and she has managed to catch his eye every time. He senses rebellion and pride in her. Thranduil promises to speak to her tonight.

"What can I do to make you stop with insanity?" Thranduil demands of Treyt in between swings.

Treyt stops suddenly, and then with a huge, toothy grin, answers, "Nothing!" He thrusts a hand in Thranduil's direction and Thranduil feels himself fly backwards, landing against a shelf and blacking out momentarily. Flashes of memories fly by in seconds.

Idriel and he slow dancing in the Great Hall after a holiday event--

Feeling Idriel's hair between his fingers as they kiss--

The door slamming as she leaves--

Her smile--

Thranduil recovers as quickly as he can, blocking Treyt's next blow just in time. Treyt is rambling on about their childhood and about all the things Thranduil never did for him as they fight.

"Enough!" Thranduil yells, sending a powerful strike Treyt's way and making him stumble. "Stop blaming me for your messed up life! All of this happened because of you!"

Treyt ignores him and keeps the fight going. It is hard to maneuver in the room they are in--it's not exactly a ballroom--and it feels like the walls are closing in on them. Swords clash and Thranduil's finds Treyt's cheek, slicing it open.

Treyt becomes livid, acting fast and pinning Thranduil against the wall by the shoulder. Thranduil shoves him backwards, and he almost falls down the spiral staircase.

"Tell me brother," he shouts, "you're perfect, yes? You're shiny and precious, new and indestructible! So riddle me this: when you die, will your corpse decay and leave behind diamonds?"


"No, I want to see him face to face," Idriel demands of the guard. "No more messages."

"I am sorry; I cannot allow it."

Gritting her teeth, Idriel shakes her head and yells towards her father's bedroom door, "I hope you're happy in there! I'm doing fine out here, not that you would care!" She stalks away sourly, making sure her hair is as red as the fire in her heart.

Before beginning, Idriel submits one last message to the one that caused this all. "Okay father, I'm fixing your mess. Not that you would give a damn."

Glancing to the side towards the trees, she doesn't see Thranduil. Good, she thinks. That means everyone is at a safe distance.

Raising her hands towards her castle, she listens closely to the little voice in her head and starts repeating it.

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