Chapter 4: Crystal

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"There is a serene and settled majesty in woodland scenery that enters into the soul and delights and elevates it, and fills it with noble inclinations." -Washington Irving


Thranduil feels different going to Aeldyn this time. Last time he was there, he was insulted and, though he would never admit it, hurt. What started out as a nice conversation between two lost lovers had turned into a fiery battle against an old enemy.

But Aeldyn is no less beautiful the second time around. Legolas' eyes sparkle as he takes his surroundings in; he's never seen anything like it before.

Thranduil and Legolas get dropped off by the door, walking in among other elves of other realms. Thranduil recognizes citizens from Rivendell, including Elrond.

The banquet hall is decorated lavishly. Half a dozen chandeliers light the room, using the sunlight coming inside from skylights as a light source. Round glass chairs fill the area and guests file in. Thranduil and Legolas sit in the section reserved for elves of high status.

Idriel is not yet on the scene, only the coronation minister and all the guests.

The crown is set on a velvet pillow on a pedestal. Thranduil cannot help but notice how similar it is to his. Instead of branches there are glass shards, and the designs are not vine-like, but intricate and carved. On the head of anyone it would catch light's attention and glimmer most beauteously.

A bell sounds and all rise as Idriel comes out of a side room and walks gracefully up to her crown. Her dress is pure gold and her hair a stunning, almost blinding, white.

The minister opens a tiny book and starts to read.

"We gather to appoint Idriel of Aeldyn as the new Queen of Aeldyn due to the passing of the King a month ago. If anyone wishes to testify against her, do so now." It is silent; one could hear the chandeliers' glass ringing slightly. The minister clears his throat and continues. "Do you, Idriel, swear to rule this kingdom to your upmost ability?"

"I do." Her voice echoes, a wondrous sound.

"And do you swear to do what is best for this kingdom whatever the costs may be?"

"I do."

Thranduil wishes she was saying that for a different promise, one to him. "Stop being ridiculous," he thinks.

"I hereby authorize you, in the name of King Singmand, Queen of Aeldyn and ruler of the Hyalus Realm." The crown is placed on her head. She turns towards the audience and they bow in respect, even the royals. They stay in that position until she is gone.

"That was nice," Legolas says as they leave for the after party.

"I have been to better," Thranduil responds. After Legolas gives him a disproving look, he adds, "I am old, Legolas. I have been to dozens of coronations and watched them all die in the end. These events are never promising."

"Are you saying she is going to die?"

"Not at all," he replies rapidly. I couldn't allow that.

There is every wine made available along with music and food. Thranduil is not interested in any of this; he wishes to speak with Idriel. He approaches her as she stands overlooking her guests.

"That was lovely, as are you," he says, greeting her with a kiss on the hand.

She smiles. "Thank you."

"I am looking forward to having a female opinion on matters in the future."

"I am elated to hear that." She seems to be in a better mood today. "Does Galadriel's opinion mean nothing to you then?"

"I would not say she gives opinions. Anything she says is always true; therefore, it is far from her opinion."

Idriel nods in understanding.

"Do you recall when I said the crown would suit you?" Thranduil asks.


"I was correct."

Idriel beams and Thranduil lets a smile surface. He always feels good about himself when he makes her smile.

"I'm not sure if these compliments are supposed to--" She stops midsentence, her gaze fixed upon the ceiling, or, more specifically, one of the chandeliers. There are less in this room, but they are noticeably bigger. Thranduil follows her stare and sees it too.

The center glass structure is swaying back and forth, each swing gaining more speed and area. Soon it is spinning also, and other elves take notice, scattering from under it until there is a big empty space below it. Everyone watches as it shakes and spins and sways.

All of the sudden, it stops. It does not stop slowly and gradually, it simply freezes in the center, remaining dormant as if nothing happened.

No one speaks; they only give each other questioning looks. The next sound is a rush of wind as the chandelier falls right off its glass chain and shatters on the ground completely. Glass flies in every direction and elves scream at the loud sound and shards soaring towards them.

Thranduil sees Idriel look fearfully towards the ceiling, but nothing else seems to be falling or threatening to.

"Are you alright?" he asks her. She has gone ghostly pale, from head to toe.

"Yes." She had grabbed his arm in reaction to the fright, and she releases her grip. "How did this happen?"

Thranduil has no answer. The elves are gathering around the platform, avoiding the glass of course, and demanding explanation.

Idriel is very reassuring. "I am sure this was an accident. The chandeliers in this room were replaced not long ago, and they must not have been secured correctly. I apologize for this greatly, and I kindly ask that everyone depart. I would hate to see something worse happen."

They leave courteously, and Thranduil and Legolas are the last to go.

"If there is anything you need, you know where to find us," Legolas offers. Idriel nods graciously, still looking worried.

"I am sorry your special day turned out sourly," Thranduil says. "I will see you again in the future." He kisses her hand again to seal the promise and departs with his son.

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