Chapter 6: Topaz

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"No one is perfect...absolutely no one. Like precious stones, we have a few flaws, but why focus on that? Focus on what you like about yourself, and that will bring you happiness and peace." -Richard Simmons


Legolas loves hunting. The rush and the adrenaline he feels is better than the finest aged wine in the Mirkwood cellars.

Today, it's spiders again. They are working on clearing out the nests that lie anywhere within a five mile radius of Mirkwood. It is an easy task; spiders don't put up much of a fight, especially against a dozen elves.

Legolas and a few others work to the east, dissolving spider webs and killing the disgusting things themselves. After the east is as clear as they need, they move north to find and help the elves there. When they arrive, they are all circled around something.

"What's going on?" Legolas asks. "Why aren't you hunting?"

The elves say nothing; they simply step aside to let him have a look. Legolas walks towards the center and freezes.

An elf lays dead on the floor of the forest covered in leaves and webs. He must've been there for a few days already.

"Who found him?" Legolas asks.

"I did," says an elf named Julier. "I stumbled on something and it was him. It does not appear that he was killed by any common forest animal."

Legolas examines the cadaver more closely. There are no stab wounds or signs of struggle. There is a red marking around his neck though, and dried blood surrounds the elf's mouth and neck.

"He was poisoned," Legolas realizes, "but not by a spider."

"Shall we take him back with us?" someone asks. "Let King Thranduil have a look?"

Legolas nods. "Yes, that is wise."

Four elves volunteer to carry him, one elf for each extremity.

"Be careful," Legolas warns. "Do not touch the blood or any fluid."

They march back to Mirkwood early, killing any solo spider they find on the way. The guards almost refuse to let them inside with the body, but Legolas dismisses them.

"Father," Legolas calls as they march towards him. "We found an elf in the forest."

The elves lay him down on the floor.

Thranduil stands from his throne. "You did not say he was dead."

"He's dead."

Thranduil descends from his throne and examines the body, his eyes widening in horror. "He was poisoned, but I do not know by what--he has been dead for days."

"What do we do with him?" Legolas asks.

"Burn the body," Thranduil instructs. When he receives glances of confusion, he adds, "This elf is of Aeldyn. We do not want to be deemed responsible for him."

"Won't they notice if he is missing my lord?"

"If they do, we know nothing, understand?" They all nod firmly and proceed to carry the elf out of the room to be burned.

"Do you think they will not suspect us?" Legolas questions once the others are gone.

"They will just assume him missing," Thranduil says. "If they ask, we can be truthful. We did see him, and if they request which direction, we point to the fire pits."

Legolas appears stunned. "That is cruel, but I would expect nothing more from you these days."

"What do you mean?" Thranduil demands.

"Ever since the coronation you have been bitter," Legolas points out. "I suspect there is more to you and Queen Idriel than I know, but that is not my business, so I will not ask."

Thranduil starts up the stairs to his throne. "Go help with the fire unless it makes you uncomfortable."

Legolas goes back into the forest to rid of the nests they failed to demolish, and to scout the area for anymore of his kin who have fallen.

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