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"The sky was a sparkling succession of black diamonds on black velvet made crystal clear by the blackout." -Sara Sheridan


"This gives me great solace. You'll be safe here--more safe than you were in the glass castle I mean."

Aeldyn is finished and perhaps even more radiant than before. The ivory stands out contrastingly to the surrounding trees of green and brown. It is even more magnificent and grand.

"I'm sure you will sleep much better at night now," Idriel responds to Thranduil, being slightly sarcastic.

"Well, not as well as I would if you were with me, but better than usual," he replies in a matter-of-fact tone.

They are outside taking in the newness of the kingdom. Thranduil has never seen Idriel so excited for anything; he believes this is because she knows she will leave a legacy: the builder of the ivory castle.

"Will you come to my re-coronation?" Idriel asks, interlocking their fingers.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, love." He's sure another coronation isn't imperative, but it does seem appropriate.

"It's tomorrow morning. We won't invite anyone from outside; it'll be quick." Idriel steps forward and drops Thranduil's hand, raising her own.

"What are you doing?" Thranduil asks, amused.

"Putting my own protection on my own fortress." She recites one of the most ancient protection spells, and Thranduil watches as a gold shield stretches over the kingdom and land around it, finally sealing at the top and fading, but remaining. "And never again shall something malignant come near."


Idriel's coronation is just as charming as the last one and exactly the same, not including the setting. She is sworn in as Queen of Aeldyn and a new crown of ivory beads and intricate swirls in the shape of vines is placed upon her white hair.

Thranduil has to admit that he's nervous. This is perhaps the biggest thing he has ever done, and doing it in front of hundreds of his past citizens doesn't give him solace. He walks on the stage with Idriel as everyone is bowing to her, and she gives him a sweet but questioning look, wondering what he's doing.

Thranduil nods to the official who he had told his plans to, and he says, "Ladies and gentlemen, before Queen Idriel gives her speech, King Thranduil would like a word."

All eyes are on Thranduil now, and Idriel faces him, waiting for him to speak. First, he pulls out the box that Legolas had so graciously brought him from afar. Opening it, he gazes at the dragon fire opal inside and turns to Idriel, whose eyes widen.

"Idriel Aphniron, I know our past is as shattered as your past kingdom, but as this new castle proves, broken things can be mended. I have never stopped loving you for a single second, and I want to make sure it stays that way. I'm not asking you to rule Mirkwood with me; we can keep our kingdoms separate. But I want you by my side as much as possible. Will you marry me?"

Everyone's eyes move to Idriel, who has never been so surprised. She hesitates only a moment before smiling broadly. "Yes, I will."

An applause that Thranduil definitely didn't expect arises, echoing loudly throughout the ballroom. It is here that Thranduil realizes that not only have his and Idriel's relationship mended, but so has the friendship of Mirkwood and Aeldyn. He knows now that the hatred is dimming and soon enough they will be on all good terms, like they're supposed to be.

Thranduil slips the ring on Idriel's finger and hugs her tightly, kissing her once when he pulls away.

Idriel turns to the crowd and signals for silence, and the noise dies down suddenly.

"As Queen of Aeldyn, I first want to assure you that this engagement does not mean I will abandon you. Like Thranduil said, I'm staying here." Clapping ensues, and then is restrained. "Second, I want to thank each and every one of you who stuck by Aeldyn through that difficult time. It was not easy for anyone, and without you it would have been increasingly worse. I especially thank Thranduil and his citizens who had no obligation to help us, but they did anyways."

Aeldyn elves turn to Mirkwood elves that came and thank them graciously out of the good of their hearts.

"Lastly," Idriel continues, "I am sure you will all join me in keeping this castle safe from any strife. Our kingdom has gone through enough. Thank you."

The elves clap again as Thranduil and Idriel exit the platform. The after party starts and Thranduil finds himself mingling and chatting, but can't keep glancing back to Idriel. He takes in everything about her and feels his heart pound faster.

Later that night, he leaves to go back to his own kingdom for a time, promising to visit as much as he can. He knows it will be complicated, their relationship, but he is entirely willing to make it work.

"I love you," she says as his carriage pulls up.

"I love you, too," he responds, stroking her cheek lightly. "More than anyone." She reaches up and connects their lips until they need to breathe. She watches him enter the carriage and depart, feeling sad already.

Thranduil watches out the window until he can't see her anymore. He leans back in his seat and sighs, smiling brightly to himself, just thinking about her.

He's found his gemstone in a field of granite, his diamond in a sea of pearls.

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