Chapter 11: Quartz

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"Shadows cannot see themselves in the mirror of the sun." -Evita Peron


"You know what to do. Ready yourselves for a battle." Idriel doesn't even know why she's telling them this-everyone is already scrambling to ready themselves. They know the drill. "This is just orcs we're talking about! It's nothing to be anxious over."

Idriel readies herself along with her army at a steadfast pace. Their army is lined up outside defensively in less than half an hour. The roars and screeches from the orcs can be heard as they grow closer, and Idriel waits impatiently. Nightfall is coming, and fighting in the dark is the only thing that could make this battle difficult.

"My lady!" someone shouts. "They're coming in from the east!"

Mounted on her stallion, Idriel looks to where he's pointing, but it is not orcs he is talking about. The elves of Mirkwood are marching harmoniously towards them, with Thranduil leading them on his elk.

"We do not need their help," says someone unkindly. Idriel guesses they must be someone who left Mirkwood for a bad reason.

"All help is appreciated," Idriel says to everyone. "I expect reverence towards them and nothing less, for when help is offered, we shall accept it gratefully."

No one else protests. The Mirkwood army stands to the east, meaning the orcs need to fight a double front.

Idriel nods to Thranduil as a greeting, and he nods back. There is no time to talk for the orcs are racing down the hill towards Aeldyn. There must be close to three hundred--a picayune number compared to five hundred experienced elves.

Idriel commands the archers to shoot first before letting anyone else fight. Thranduil's army does the same, and they take out fifty or more orcs with one round. If this battle is anything, it is a waste or weaponry.

Soon the battle is engaged fully. Idriel's aim is still dead on with her bow and sword-tipped arrows, and early in the battle she is joined by Legolas, who is also fighting with his bow.

Everything is going smoothly despite more orcs appearing, and Idriel has no worries until a strangled cry catches her attention. Turning, she sees Legolas wounded with an arrow in the shoulder. It came from behind; he must've been taken by surprise.

Recognizing the arrow is laced with poison because of its build, Idriel takes Legolas back to the castle quickly to hand him off to the healers, but upon seeing that the battle is nearly won, she stays and attends to Legolas herself, knowing that Thranduil will hold the fort down.

Other wounded elves spill in, and soon every healer is occupied. Idriel tends to Legolas' wound carefully, taking the arrow out and using a solvent to clean the poison. After using herbs to sanitize the wound, she dresses it with bandages.

"My lady?" a guard asks as she is making final touches to the gauze. "The orcs are all dead. Is there anything you wish for?"

"Yes," she responds. "I want guards stationed at every entrance to this castle, and make sure they're not guarding alone. Send some into the forest edges too, to make sure no more come. See that everyone who is injured, of Aeldyn or not, is tended to. If elves need to stay the night, they may. I know this one will." She gestures to Legolas. "Lastly, tell Thranduil his son is in the infirmary, but he is fine."

The guard bows and leaves to fulfill her wishes. Not wanting to leave Legolas alone until Thranduil shows, Idriel stays by his cot, hoping he'll wake soon.

Thranduil enters with a pallid expression not long afterwards.

"He was caught off guard," Idriel explains. "The arrow contained poison, but I got all of it. He will be fine."

Thranduil squeezes her hand gratefully. "I would not expect you to take care of the person who ripped us apart, but I am eternally grateful that you did."

"To me, not helping your son is the equivalent of not helping you." Thranduil just smiles, so she continues. "How did you know to come?"

"I saw the blue light as I was pulling away," he explains. "I knew what that meant. I also knew you probably wouldn't need help, but it was an excuse to see you."

This makes Idriel's heart ache. "Thank you for coming."

"Thank you for not sending me away. I heard that elf say that you didn't need us. And I also heard your response."

"The last thing I want is for my people to be more prejudice towards yours. No one deserves hatred."

Thranduil kisses her forehead softly. "If my son is to stay the night, I will also."

"That is fine. He will be better tomorrow."

"Will I find you sleepwalking again?" Thranduil asks with a smirk as they leave the infirmary.

Idriel shoves him lightly and responds with a laugh. "You will not."

"I'll take your word for it. You know, they say lovers adopt each other's habits, so just keep in mind that you might find me."

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