Chapter 2: Ruby

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"People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within." -Elisabeth Kubler-Ross


"Father, did I ever have a mother?" Legolas asked, his large eyes sparkling with wonder. He was still young then, not yet full grown, and had started asking questions about her.

"Everyone has a mother, Legolas," Thranduil answered as he pondered a book of ancient runes.

"Oh," Legolas said. "Well, where is my mother?"

Thranduil is not sure how to respond. His mother had disappeared years ago, but there was no way he could explain that thoroughly and ensure Legolas' understanding. Instead, he said, "She has gone away for a while."

Legolas huffed, plucking the string on his miniature bow. "It has been a long time."

"She will return," Thranduil promised, and then thought to himself, "In one way or another."

Legolas takes his word for it and remained silent until another question popped into his head. "Did you love mother?"

At this, Thranduil freezes. He technically had not loved her when he wed her, but since then he had grown quite fond of her...but love? His heart had always belonged to one who was not Legolas' mother.

Again, he lied for the sake of his son. "Of course I did."

Legolas nods his little head, pulling at the braids. "Me too."

And through all these years, their secret affair had been kept a secret. No one knew Legolas had been born out of lust, not even Legolas himself, and they never would know--it is extremely frowned upon. The only ones who know are Thranduil and Idriel, and Thranduil intends for it to stay that way.

"How did meeting the Queen go?" Legolas asks later that evening after Thranduil has returned.

Thranduil hesitates only a second. "It was fine. She seems fit for the position. And she's not queen yet."

Thranduil thinks the conversation ends here, but Legolas asks another question that must have been on his mind.

"What is she like? If you do not mind me asking..."

Thranduil can tell Legolas exactly what she is like. Idriel is clever and cunning, beautiful and dangerous. Every perk of her comes with a side effect. Lovely skin, but it is always cold. Eyes so stunning they could cut your heart out and serve it on a sword, her weapon of choice. She is headstrong and independent, but also demanding. She possesses a sense of humor, which is what Thranduil first took interest in, but she is stubborn, also.

"She used to live here," he starts. "She and her father were noble elves. She was lovely -- a pleasure to be in the company of -- but she certainly had an emotional temper. A certain...situation...angered her very much, causing her to take her father and depart. They resided in Aeldyn, where her father became King, and now she is to be Queen."

Legolas looks like he wants more, and Thranduil debates whether or not he should give it to him.

"She liked to hunt like you," he continues. "She made her own arrow heads out of the tips of swords, insisting that if she had to use a bow she should at least have some of her favorite weapon with it. Yes, she was very intriguing a woman. I think she will make a fine queen."

"If but she had a king," Legolas says, alarming Thranduil for a moment for it applied that Legolas knew of their former relationship. But then he says, "Perhaps she will find someone of worth in her kingdom."

"Yes, perhaps."

"My lord?" Another elf holds a letter from Aeldyn. "I was told to give this to you."

Thranduil knows it is an invitation to Idriel's coronation. When he unfolds the paper, that is exactly what it is.

"Write back saying Legolas and I will attend," he orders. The elf bows and goes to fulfill the king's wishes.

"I am going too?"

"Unless you do not wish to."

"I will come."

Thranduil dismisses him.

Looking in his mirror later that night, he makes a decision.

Before going to bed, he asks of the guards to send another letter to Aeldyn.

"Tell the Queen I am requesting her presence here tomorrow."

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