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"Wit must be foiled with wit: cut a diamond with a diamond." -William Congreve


Sometimes people who appear to be perfect have fault. For example: fairies, gods, and, to most people's surprise, elves. The strangest part of the elves' fault is that the people who bring out these flaws are their own kin.

Once in history, great controversy arose between the Elves of Rivendell and Mirkwood, causing a grand uprising. War was luckily evaded, as these protesters moved out of their homelands to make a new realm together. They called this realm Aeldyn. (Pronounced Ale-din).

Made entirely of glass, Aeldyn stood more beautiful than the others. The Elves there were happy, until they realized how close they were to Mirkwood. Only miles outside of its boundaries, separated only my forest, Aeldyn suffered what they did: spiders, drought, evil. And they blamed Mirkwood for all of this.

*2930, Middle-earth time*

"Idriel!" She turned at the sound of his voice. Idriel was the oldest of her kin at Mirkwood, excluding her father and Thranduil, and to her great pleasure, the King had an interest in her. She strode up the wooden path to his throne, where he stood waiting.

"You called?" She addressed him informally on purpose; there was no one around to condemn her for it.

Thranduil smiled crookedly. "How was the hunt?"

"Why are you so pertinent on wasting time?" She took pride in being the only one in Mirkwood who could make him laugh. He stepped down to her level, still towering over her, and leaned down to press a small kiss against her pearl-like lips. It was too dangerous out in the open for anything else.

"I am retiring early," Thranduil decided. "I suggest you do the same."

*2931, Middle-earth time*

"Is this some kind of sick joke you are using as revenge?! A taste of my own medicine?!"

"Idriel, you know I would not wish this upon us," Thranduil said fiercely. "I am sorry, but it is true. We had relations; she carries my child."

Idriel felt dizzy and became aware of the overwhelming scent of his bedroom. She rested on the window seat, thinking hard and trying not to break down. It was common knowledge to everyone, elf or other, that elves possessed abnormally high levels of loyalty to their lovers, so how could Thranduil, who is full of wisdom and experience, succumb to such dishonor?

"I did the same thing centuries ago when I was childish and fickle and sporadic in my actions, and this is my penance? I was not even yours then!"

"I cannot believe you would think I would stoop so low as to 'get back' at you," Thranduil fumed. "Don't be naïve. I brought this child into the world, and I will raise him. I said I was sorry, and I am, truly, but it is your choice, it is your actions that will determine what part you play in this."

Idriel wouldn't meet his gaze. This conversation brought back memories of her own child born of lust, a child she had loved dearly and still does to this day despite the accident. "What of the mother?"

"She knows of us, and I told her to stand by while I spoke to you."

Idriel stood shakily, fists and teeth clenched, gliding for the doors with tears in her green eyes. "Tell her that the child is hers. I will take no part in this kingdom anymore."

"This kingd -- what is in your mind?" Thranduil demanded.

"I will not stand by you with a child I did not bear!" she snaps. "And I will not stay to witness him grow. I am sorry that I could not entertain you well enough. I am taking my father and leaving Mirkwood. I wish it good fortune."

The door slammed at the same time all the glass in the bedroom shattered.

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