Chapter 3: The Painting

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3 days had passed and Chuck finally found some free time to give Mr. Jones, the buyer of the painting, a visit. He'd been secretly going to Mr. Jones' museum though where he watched the painting in awe.

Yesterday, he went. And it hurt him even by just staring at it. It inspired him to go to the buyer once and for all to give him a deal. He can only hope Jones will accept it.

"This way, Sir." The doorman showed him the way as he fixed his tie. "Mr. Jones will be with you shortly." He nodded at the man before he left.

Their suite was modern designed. The little details in their home amused him. He'd seen some art, too. It had a very creative aura which he loved since he'd always loved art too.

"Mr. Bass." He stood up when a man in a gray suit appeared from the door.

"Mr. Jones, good morning." Both shake hands before settling back to the couch. Jones was a middle-aged man who owned a museum not far from here. His expression was blank. Serious, and cold.

"Look, I really need that painting. I want to buy it from you, the price won't matter." Chuck began. But Jones shook his head.

"The painting's one of a kind. It's tenuous. Money won't be enough for me to let it go." He said, not showing a hint of hesitation in his words and face.

"Please, Mr. Jones. Whatever you need, I'll give." He truly sounded needy. No, he was needy. It was as if he wouldn't be able to live without it.

The man in front of him went silent for a while, already considering. "I'll think about it. Give me a few days. In the meantime, the painting's in my museum and it looked stunning on the wall so I'm warning you in advance, Mr. Bass, don't expect too much." Chuck was rather thankful than irritated. At least the man would give some thought about selling it to him.

He stepped outside of their suite, being in a good mood today. He needed to get the painting, no matter what.

Suddenly his phone rings. Looking at it, he sees his best friend's name. He clicks the answer button.

"Nate." He greets.

"Don't 'Nate' me. I haven't seen you in forever! Carter wants to have drinks at this bar tonight. You cannot say no, Chuck. You owe us." Chuck secretly rolled his eyes at his friend.

"What can I do? I've been busy. But don't worry, Nathaniel. If you miss me that much then I shall be joining you tonight." He grinned. He could already imagine Nate glare at him.

"Whatever. I do not miss you. See you later." The blonde ends the call, making Chuck walk towards the limo, hoping to spend the rest of the day in bed. But of course, he needed to go back there again. Just for good measure.


October 03 - 04, 1800

"You cannot be serious, Mother!" Blair cried as she chased her mother around the house.

"Don't be ridiculous, Blair. You will like him. Love him. I've met him and he seemed very excited to get to know his future wife." Eleanor flashed her a smile.

The young brunette made a disgusted face and stepped closer. "Mother, I do not wish to marry a stranger. You promised me I could be the one to pick!"

"You were taking long, dear." She briefly answered.

"Do you have any reason to be this eager?!" Blair could not help but shout. It was a disrespectful act but what her mother did was much more disrespectful.

She was a grown woman- if you consider 19 a grown age. Still, she was able to make decisions for herself already and her mother obviously did not see that.

"Calm down. You won't be strangers, you will get to know him. As if I will let you wed in a rush, my dear. I have told him to meet you in private tomorrow so you can get to know each other. You will like him, Blair!" Eleanor beamed at her daughter who was not very pleased right now.

All she could do was walk away and cry in silence.

How dare her mother make these important decisions for her? She had no right. Blair would always feel like a weak little girl whenever her mother would act as an enemy. She was getting sick of it.

Family was important to her. Ever since she was a little girl, she'd picture out scenarios about her future family and how she'll marry the man she'll love. They will have beautiful children and they will live in a beautiful house.

Money was never a problem for the Waldorfs. In fact, they were the richest household in the village. Her mother was excellently running a fabric business and it had been very successful.

Which is why she had always been very confused by the fact that her mother was rushing her marriage. Perhaps she'd want to advertise her daughter being married to a wealthy bachelor. Yes, it was probably the reason.

Eleanor had said it herself once.

"She's my greatest advertise."

The next day, she was up early. Today was the said meeting of her future husband. Knowing she won't be able to do anything about it, she forces a smile on her face.

"Smile always. Act like a proper lady. Be polite and. . . don't slouch! Now, go. You have fun, sweetheart!" Eleanor yelled as she stepped into their little chariot.

She looked at the walking villagers who waved at her and smiled. Blair also spotted Mr. Brown's little store on the way to her destination.

It seemed like she was going to meet him at the park.

When the chariot stopped, she stepped outside, feeling the warm air welcome her. She walked around the park where it was full of flowers, trying to see if he was there.

Blair had no idea what he looked like. She could only hope his facial features will make this whole arrangement better.

"So we meet again. . . " She turns back when she hears a voice. That same voice that had annoyed her and teased her yesterday.


Her mother has got to be kidding.

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