Chapter 12: The Reality

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October 21, 1800

"You were amazing, Blair." He mumbled as he buried his face in her locks. It smelled of lilacs. He felt her take a deep breath, making him smile.

"My mother's going to kill me for spending the night here without informing her." Blair chuckled and faced him. She closed her eyes as she snuggled closer to his chest.

She didn't want the moment to end. She wanted to freeze time so they could be there in that exact place forever. In each other's arms, happy and contented. All her life, she had always felt as if there was that incomplete piece in her heart she hoped someone would fill. And now, the void was gone. Because he was there, by her side. Offering her so much of what she assumed and hoped was love.

"She'll understand. Don't worry, I'll be the one to explain why you didn't come home yesterday." Blair felt him smirk.

She smirked, too. Last night had definitely been one of the most memorable nights of her life. And she swore she was never going to get the memory off of her mind.

Chuck groaned when she pulled herself away from his grip and stood up to pick her clothes. She needed to be home as soon as possible to avoid getting a fit from Eleanor. Along with her clothes, she also picked up a button- a brown one from his suit vest she ruined yesterday. A remembrance.

"I'll see you again, Chuck. Right now, I have to go." She smiled at him who was still in the bed with a grumpy look in his face.

"You'll be here again in a few hours, right?" Blair asked, hopeful he had no plans that included going out of town again.

When he shook his head, her smile grew wider she couldn't help but approach him and kiss him on the lips goodbye.

Chuck leaned back on the headboard of the bed as he watched her go out the door. He smiled to himself like an idiot as he reminisced the events that occurred last night. Blair had willingly given herself to him. His fiancé. It was great. It felt great. But he could also feel pain. Pain because he knew that Blair belonged in the 1800s. Not the 2000s, where he would eventually go back for good.

He found himself not wanting to go back and stay here forever, even though it would take a lot of pretending. For Blair, he would pretend. He couldn't deny the fact that he was falling for her. The wit, the charm, the potential she had, made him into a completely different person who wanted nothing else but that woman who walked out the door who easily became the one constant in his life he knew he needed to protect with all his life.

Chuck looked at himself in the mirror and he couldn't see the womanizer that he was before. His hair was different, his structure was different. Much more muscular. And his heart. . .

His heart was beating for a girl.


October 31, 1800

"You can't just decide that, Mother! Carnations? Seriously? I would rather have white roses than that. Peonies are what I wanted and you can't change my mind. Besides, you love peonies." Blair said as she paced back and forth in her living room.

Eleanor let out a sigh in defeat as she writes down the notes in her little notebook. When did she forget how stubborn Blair could be?

"Have you called Cyrus and his family? Although I'm not really close with Aaron, Serena will need a partner to walk with." She said, referring to her mother's boyfriend's son.

"Cyrus and Aaron will arrive on the 3rd of November, dear. Don't worry, I've asked them both to send me their sizes so I could have their tuxedos tailored." Her mother smiled at her.

Chuck and Blair's wedding was going to be a private one which included their close family members only. The details of her wedding were mostly, strictly chosen by her and no one dared to object against her decisions as she acted like a bull in front of her mother and some wedding planners.

"What about Charles, Blair? Is he all settled?" Eleanor took the glasses off of her eyes and settled them on the table, along with her notebook. Blair sat beside her on the couch, smiling at the mention of his name.

"He's been amazing, Mother. Very cooperative surprisingly. I always thought he'd be the distraction." She let out a small laugh. Eleanor looked down and hid a smile but Blair was able to take a glance of it.

"I did pick good husband, right? I told you you'd love him." Blair didn't deny it, because yes, she did love him. She does love him.

"I suppose you do. I have to go meet him, Mother. We have another painting session today. I'll see you tonight at dinner." She kissed her mother goodbye as she stood up and walked towards the chariot, ordering her driver to drive to the Bass Mansion.

"Blair!" She ran to his arms as soon as she stepped out of the chariot. He welcomed her with a hug and a kiss on the side of her head.

She wore a burgundy colored headband that had the exact color of her dress. His tie matched her, too.

"I missed you. Where were you yesterday?" She said, face still buried in his chest where she could hear his racing heartbeat.

"Just some things I had to deal with. I missed you too. Are you tired?" He held her hand as she pulled away and started walking to their grassy field where the canvas and the paint brushed lay on the table.

"Just a bit stressed because of the wedding preparations but painting with you will take the stress away for sure." She smiled at him, but he raised his eyebrows. She shook her head to assure him that she was fine.

"Let's go, Chuck!" She lead the way and he followed, watching her from behind as she ran to her spot.

Chuck's heartbeat really was racing as he stared at her. The past few days, they had been spending most of the time with each other. Both couldn't get enough of each other's company. Chuck had a hard time dealing with his own problem about going back. He thought about staying after the wedding, then go back and let the original Chuck Bass come back. But something tells him that was wrong.

Plus, it was a risky thing to do. What if he never would be able to go back to his real world? He wondered who handled Victrola. His father would probably be back to giving him those disappointing looks he dreaded.

He asked himself if he was different to the 1800s Chuck Bass. What if Blair would notice how different they were? It would be hell for her, and he hated that thought. Blair deserved to be happy forever. And he hoped he could have that, too. He hoped he would have Blair Waldorf in the 2000s.

It would be the first thing he would do once he goes back. Find a trace of Blair in Manhattan. Just to make sure she was also in that decade.

"What are you thinking about, Bass? Come paint with me." He interrupted his 'thinking'. He walked closer and picked his brush up, knowing very well what to paint because he was currently inspired by the moment he was having with Blair right now.

He looked at his painting, then to her. It was almost done. Just a few strokes and brushes, then he could show it to her. The painting in front of him was special and a one of a kind. Because he painted it with love and care.

He can only hope she wouldn't dread his skills of painting. If that happens, the effort he exerted in the painting he was currently working on would be all for nothing.

Author's Note: We're almost at the end! I can't believe it :(

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