Chapter 19: The Portrait

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October 28, 2009

"Blair, what. . . how-" Chuck took a moment to take the sight in. She stood before him with tear stained cheeks.

His heart hurt at what she was wearing. It was her wedding gown. She looked breathtaking in it, and he couldn't help but give her a smile.

His smile left his face when she smacked his chest. Hard. "What was that for?" Chuck yells in pain.

"The audacity for you to say that, you idiot! Do you have any idea how much you've humiliated me in front of our families, Chuck Bass?!" Blair shouts at him, and he looks down, ashamed.

"Blair, I'm sorry," was all he could say at the moment. He didn't know what to tell her. He was an asshole, that was for sure but he was only trying to do the thing Harold expected him to do. Man up and do his best to get back to Blair so they could have their wedding and he'd find a way to bring her to his world, if she was okay with that.

"Our families are worried. I ran from them because I felt suffocated and I was and still am so mad at you. On my way home, I passed by the painting lying on the muddy ground. And then. . . this. . ." She motioned her hands around the air.

". . . this all happened so fast and I-I don't know what's going on, Chuck. Where are we?" Blair's tears fell from her eyes. She was feeling mixed emotions right now.

First, her fiancé had just abandoned her in their own wedding, she was embarrassed in front of the people she loved most, she's in some fancy looking room with two men, one she had no idea who.

"Calm down, okay? I'll explain everything to you once all of this is settled. For now, I need to get rid of this. . . nuisance." Chuck glances at Jack angrily, and then turns to Blair.

"I'm scared. Why does he have a weapon?" The brunette grips tightly onto Chuck's arm, practically begging for them to leave somewhere safe. He had no choice but to let Blair stay in his hotel. He couldn't trust anyone to accompany her. Chuck was certain he was going to defeat Jack, with their age difference, surely Chuck had an advantage.

"Blair, listen to me. I need you to get out of this room, and lock yourself in the bathroom, okay? It's the second door to your right. I'll take care of everything. Don't worry, okay?" Chuck places the palm of his hands on her shoulder as she took in heavy breaths.

Blair had no choice but to follow. She was scared and at this point she was willing to do whatever Chuck says, no matter how much she hated him right now. For a moment she thought about staying. The fact that she would leave him here with the old, grumpy looking man terrified her. She didn't want anything bad to happen to Chuck.

The thoughts of him saying 'Don't worry. Trust me. I'll take care of everything,' filled her mind. Now was not the time to be weak. She knew Chuck would win over the old man.

She hurriedly walks away and easily finds the room Chuck was talking about. She struggles with the lock, unable to stop herself from shaking terribly. Looking around the room, there was a big tub. A large mirror, and some bottles of liquid she did not recognize.

She never thought these things existed. Portals? Two worlds? It was nonsense! But she was here now, and she didn't really have any other choice but to leave it to Chuck to save her life from ending.

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