Chapter 10: The Realization

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October 17th, 1800

Dearest Diary named Kitty,

Two days ago, I kissed Mr. Chuck Bass. I have to say, I did not expect this from me at all. But he was being so very nice and I just felt the urge to crash my lips with his. Oh, I feel like I'm going to be sick, Kit! Not because of the kiss but because of the way I acted!

I know that we are to be wed and kissing each other should feel normal but kissing him felt abnormal at all! It was like I was being electrocuted, which is impossible because Chuck obviously isn't any of the sort that can electrocute me. I honestly do not know how to describe the feeling, Kit.

He has been such a good man to me. And I feel the safest when I'm with him. I wake up, and the first thing I think about is Chuck Bass and the adventure we will have for the day. Am I possibly in love?

Blair Waldorf.

The brunette let the ink dry before closing her notebook and putting it back on the drawer. She sighs, looks over the window and admires the view.

She sees birds fly around their mansion, making her smile. As a child, Blair always wondered how great it would feel to fly and roam around different kinds of cities and places and countries.

To have that kind of freedom is something she will never have. Or perhaps she will, if magic truly is real. She does feel like she is still a child at heart but those thoughts have been pushed at the back of her mind now. Especially since she is about to commit to a man.

Only twenty-four days to go until she and Chuck would have to slide the wedding rings into each other's fingers. Her heart always seemed to beat fast whenever the thought would come to mind.

But the thought was interrupted by a knock at the door. Most likely from Dorota.

"Come in!" She says, and stands up to greet her maid. Once she was in, Blair's eyes fall to the envelopes of letters in her hand. A smile appears into her face and waits for Dorota to lay them onto her desk.

"A lot of letters to read again, Miss Blair." Blair searched for his initials in the pile, hoping he was wishing to meet her again under their tree. The same tree they used as shelter from the rain on that day they were being idiotic fools.

A pout replaces the smile when she found no sign of CB. Blair falls to the bed and lets out a disappointed sigh.

"You may go, Dorota. I guess I'm spending the whole day in bed. Nothing in my itinerary. Nothing. . . " The brunette says and buries her face into her soft pillows.

"Miss Blair, don't you have to check out Mr. Brown's new supplies of headwear? I will go with you if you want." She hears her maid say, but she's in no mood to do that- or anything at all.

Shaking her head, Dorota lets out a chuckle. "What are you laughing at?" Blair could not help but ask.

"You're really falling for that Bass boy are you?" Blair's jaw drops at her statement, a blush appearing on her cheeks again.

"How do you know, Dorota?" Her eyebrows furrowed, glaring at her maid. How else would she know if she really was falling for Chuck? She had no experience whatsoever.

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