Chapter 17: The Missing Stroke

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Author's Note: I'm aware of the fact that the Empire wasn't bought until Bart died. In Chapter 4, I decided to just include the Empire as Chuck's home but I also did write about him staying at the Van der Woodsen's suite in Chapter 1. I've made a backstory so you won't be confused. The Empire was given as a reward for Chuck by Bart for his improved behavior when he was still unaware of the painting's backgrounds and all those things. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message.


October 28, 2009

11:57 AM.

"What are we going to do, Serena? He's not here yet and the reading of the will is tomorrow!" Lily yelled, pacing back and forth in the Van der Woodsen suite.

"Mom, calm down. We'll find him, okay? We'll find Chuck. I'll take care of it." The young blonde tried to calm her mother down. It was just nine in the morning and Lily was already so problematic.

"I can't! Chuck is missing, completely missing out on his father's funeral, and is probably going to miss the reading of the will as well! How am I supposed to calm down?" Lily fired back.

Serena stared blankly at the ground. She had no clue where Chuck could be. All she could do right now was hug her mother and assure her that it was all going to be okay.

The last time she'd seen Chuck was when she called him out of his room because his P.I. was here. After that, he vanished. And until now, he is nowhere to be found.


November 09, 1800

11: 57 PM.

Chuck stared at the painting while Blair was busy being embarrassed by the lack of skills she had, even though the painting was the most beautiful one Chuck had ever seen.

"It's not-"

"It's perfect." Chuck says, and takes a second to smile at her and appreciate her work. If his observations were correct, she had been working on this on their third session of painting together.

The colors she chose suited the way one would describe their relationship. Soft, but also full of heat and passion. Gentle like the wind, but also harsh like how the waves would crash to the shore on a rainy, windy day.

Blair had created the masterpiece that had been the reason for his coming here. In her world. Time was ticking, though. Now was not the time to think about other stuff. He had a lot of things to handle.

"You should go now. Or else Eleanor's gonna find out about this." Chuck forced a smirk. Blair giggled in response and nodded, kissing him goodbye one last time.

The horrible feeling of seeing her run from him wasn't there anymore. For some reason, he felt okay. He had the portal now, it was time to go. He knew he had to come back. He loved Blair too much to just let their relationship end because of a stupid portal.

Just because he doesn't belong in this world does not mean him and Blair do not belong together.

Blair would probably despise him once he comes back for completely ditching her. She would be expecting him at the altar tomorrow, waiting for her to make her grand entrance. It would definitely be a dream come true for her, and he hated the fact that he would be the one to ruin it. If he had a choice, he would never do it. He would just bring the love of his life with him.

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