Chapter 11: The Taking

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October 20, 1800

"So when are you going to tell me?" He asked, his eyes fixated on the canvas as he swiftly brushes his paint brush on it.

Blair bites her lower lip as it started to tremble. Three days later and she still could not get herself to say it.

"Have some patience, Bass, while I try to gain the courage to do so." She was surprised at how clueless he was. If he had been in her situation, she was confident his intentions would be very obvious to her.

Unfortunately, it wasn't. The tables were not turned and she was the one who needed to say it.

"Fine. Maybe you should start sketching something, though. There's a big storm coming and we might have to transfer our activity inside." Chuck glanced at the dark sky, making Blair pout.

"I'll have to go home before the rain pours." Chuck starts to put their tools back on the pouch, deciding they did enough painting for the day. She was facing him, since he requested it. If she had a surprise for him, he might as well have a surprise for her. A man like Chuck Bass cannot be outdone.

He hadn't given much thought about it, but he is curious at how the wedding preparations were going. He was certain he would be out of this world before their wedding would even happen. It hurt his heart to think about how Blair would react to it, but he was sure the original Chuck Bass from 1800s was going to come back just as he would leave.

He stared at the brunette before him as she cleaned her things up. He could feel the little droplets of rain fall on his face now. The last time they were soaked in the rain, Blair had gotten a fever that had worried him so much. He wasn't going to let her bathe in the rain again, despite how fun it was going to be.

For some reason, he did know how to paint. It was odd how his hands knew where to stroke the paint brush on the canvas. He never explored his talents, but turns out he was quite an artist.

"Chuck! Come on!" He heard her voice. Instead of putting the canvas over her head to avoid the rain, she protected it with her hands, shielding it from the water that fell from the sky. He couldn't help but smile in amusement.

"Put something over your head!" He yelled as he ran towards her but Blair just ignored his request.

Once they arrived, they dried themselves and drank a whole cup of water to avoid being sick. Both fell on the couch as Blair decided to wait until the rain calmed down. It was too late to go home apparently.

"Are you okay?" He asked her as she settled herself on the sofa, panting. They ran a long way, from the plain field they were just at to the Bass Mansion.

"Yeah. Hey, today was really fun. I can't wait 'til I finish my surprise for you." She beamed at him. At this point they were just leaning their backs on the couch, looking up at the ceiling as they tried to catch their breaths.

"Me too. Will you be here tomorrow?" Chuck tilted his head to the side to get a view of her, but her eyes remained above.

"I don't know. I think my mother won't allow me since she'll need my ideas for the wedding." Her heart raced as she said it. Wedding! She was getting married. And to know that she had fallen in love with him made her happy and thankful. Thankful because if she ever wed with someone her heart wasn't okay with, her life would be a living hell.

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