Chapter 8: The Night

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October 07, 1800

5:30 PM

"Blair! Mr. Bass has arrived, dear!" She heard her mother's yell from downstairs. She scolded Dorota to hurry with her hair as she put on the earrings quickly.

"Miss Blair, I'm sure the man can wait five more minutes. You haven't even put on some cheek tint." The maid said.

"Fine, Dorota! Put them on, but hurry, please. The bride-to-be can't be the one who's late to her own party." She focused on getting ready. Trying to calm down.

Taking one last look at the mirror, Blair takes a deep breath and holds her gown in both hands as she descended the stairs.

"Oh my, sweetheart. You look so beautiful! Truly, a grown woman." She blushed at her mother's words. Her petticoat was big, making her gown expand.

"Thank you, mother. Where is. .  ." Blair's sentence wasn't finished when her eyes locked with Chuck's who was looking at her with a barely opened mouth. The side of his lips rose as he took in the sight of her. Of Blair, who looked indescribable in her gold, off shoulder dress.

Her curls were down, just like he expected them to be. Her cheeks were practically red, with the cheek tint and the  blush on her face when she sees her fiancé standing a few feet away from her.

Chuck lets out a little laugh and looks down, shaking his head lightly.

"You look perfect, Blair." He says, and her smile widens. She gives him a little bow and finally takes his hand, which he kisses.

"Mrs. Waldorf, are you sure you won't be joining us?" Chuck asks. The older brunette shakes her head, tells them they should enjoy while she focuses on getting better from the fever she was dealing with at the moment.

"I'll try to get home early to check on you, Mother." Blair says, and stops herself from giving him a kiss in the cheek to avoid catching a fever, as well.

"M'lady." Chuck smirks at her and leads them to the chariot. "After you." Blair steps in first, accompanied by Chuck in a gentleman-like manner.

"Bass. We match tonight." She says, fixing his tie. Chuck freezes in his spot, feeling something in his stomach.

"As we should. We are the stars of the party, after all." She smiles at the fact. She loved attention but for some reason, attention wasn't really in her mind tonight. What she was thinking about was the fact that this engagement party was the official confirmation that her and Chuck really were about to get married.

Chuck haven't given a lot of thought about getting married. At some point, he was going to go back to year 2009. He was sure. Sure that he'd be able to get back before the day of the wedding would even come, and the real Chuck Bass from the 1800s would be back, too. He figured his desperate needs of answers was what made him get here. Getting the answers would be the way to get out.

He was sure he got it all figured out.

"When we get there, you don't get to leave my side. Ever. Unless you need to give the comfort room a visit, you will stay by my side, okay?" Blair looks at him seriously, making him nod immediately.

"Why? I didn't know you were that obsessed with me." Chuck teases her, leaning closer until only a few inches separated their faces.

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