Chapter 14: The Painting

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November 8, 1800

He couldn't sleep. He was technically nocturnal at this point. Remembering the events that happened on the dream- no, nightmare, he had five days ago, he couldn't get himself to close his eyes.

Sure, he took naps. But it would never go past two hours. The after effects of it was very hard to deal with. He was drained, but he'd rather that than see it all again.

He didn't want to think about it, because it was just a nightmare. But it felt so real. He refused to believe it was.

Shaking his head, Chuck massages the bridge of his nose. It was way too early to think about it. He got up and decided to get ready for the day. It was sunny and bright outside. Windy, too. For some reason, he just wanted to lay in bed as he tries to finish the book he was reading about reincarnations and past lives.

There had to be some information he did not know yet. Maybe finding that painting wasn't the solution to all of this. It was useless. He tried to find it everywhere but it seemed as if it was non-existent.

He thought if he found it, the portal back to 2009 would be there, just like what happened before he arrived here in this strange but beautiful world.

He stepped out of his room, greeted by some staff as he makes his way to the breakfast table where he found Lily and Serena chattering. Chuck gives them both a kiss on the cheek before settling himself on his usual spot.

"Charles, aren't you meeting Blair today?" He heard his stepmother ask. He simply nodded, focusing on gulping the coffee down before speaking.

"Yes, that's right. She wants me to meet a certain Cyrus Rose. I'll eat breakfast there, Lily so I'll just drink my coffee and then head out. Anyway, I assume Mr. Rose is Ms. Waldorf's long time partner." He says.

Lily moves her head up and down as she changes the topic to fashion. He stopped himself from rolling his eyes because even though he had a hobby of always making sure he looked nice, he didn't want to talk about that so early in the morning.

"I'll get going. I don't want to make a bad first impression." Chuck dismissed himself from the table and walked towards the chariot where Arthur patiently waited.

He didn't need to ask where he should take him. Obviously to the Waldorf's since he was ten minutes early than usual.

The ride to their home made Chuck nervous. He had never done this before. Chuck Bass didn't seek things. He gets them. But now he was making an effort to look good for another person, something he had only done with Blair. He exerted little effort into trying to amuse Eleanor because he had found out from Lily that she was the one who personally picked him to be her daughter's husband.

One parent down, one to go. Chuck had found out about the abandonment that had happened to Blair by her father. Village says he ran off with a man who happened to be one of Eleanor's clients. He didn't wanna bring it up, knowing that it definitely hurt Blair very much.

Having careless parents? Yeah, he was one of them, unfortunately.

"Sir? We've arrived." He nodded to Arthur and started to walk his way to the mansion. As always, his fiancé's home looked luxurious, with it's gold detailed furniture and the huge staircase.

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