Chapter 15: The Truth

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Author's Note: So there won't be any confusion, it was October 17, 2009 in his world the day he found the portal, and October 05, 1800 when he arrived in Blair's world. Which basically means that there is a 12 day difference between the two worlds. Hopefully that makes sense. I'll try to include more information as I go through with the next chapter.


November 09, 1800

"Waldorf." He gritted his teeth. He felt like he was being punished. Chuck couldn't take it anymore. One more second of-

"God, Blair." He growled, and finally had the urge to roll on top of her. "You're naughty." Chuck let his body be on top of hers, but not too hard because he didn't want her squished.

"And you're heavy, Bass." She giggled. "Go back to your position or I'll start nibbling in your ear again." Chuck felt her smirk on his shoulder.

"I hate how you can make me do these things." Chuck eventually followed her orders, pouting when the brunette beside him stood up from the bed. "Come back to bed. It's five in the morning, Blair. I promise to bring you back home by seven." He negotiated.

"I can't. I have to go home now. It's bad luck to see each other the day before our wedding. We don't want anything to happen." She smiled.

Chuck remained silent, knowing he was going to have to find a way on how to go back for real. He suddenly felt horrible. This might be the last day he's going to get to spend with Blair and now she insists they spend it separately.

"Blair. Please. I want to be with you the whole day today. Visit all of the sites we've marked as ours together. Please?" He sat up, eager to make her stay.

Blair thought of it for a moment. Chuck looked helpless and desperate, making her wanna give in immediately, but then Eleanor's possible wrath came to mind. She had a beast inside her.

"Please." That word, again. How could she ever refuse?

"Get dressed, then. We have a long way ahead of us." His eyes widened and a smile quickly replaced the pout in his face. He wasted no time in getting ready, making sure he wasn't wasting a second.

He was going to make November 09, 1800 the most memorable day for him and her.


October 28, 2009

"Nothing? There has to be something, Andrew." Serena cried. Andrew simply shook his head at her, making her look down. They were in the guest bedroom, hoping for some privacy from the people in the living room.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Van der Woodsen but I can't find anything. It seems as if Mr. Bass just. . . suddenly vanished. I still believe the reason for his disappearance is because of the painting he purchased. I think he plans on seeking more information about it since my report was too brief for him." He says as he checks his watch for the time. He had to leave now. Serena had already asked for ten more minutes of his time. His next client would be disappointed.

"Okay." It's not that she was planning on giving up in trying to find her step brother, she just had to trust him. Like she had any other choice. If Chuck's greatest P.I. can't track him down, then she obviously can't. Certainly not with her perfect, blonde hair and tall, shiny legs.

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