Chapter 18: The Wedding

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October 28, 2009

1:47 PM

"Are you sure you want it to be today, Charles? We can always call Attorney Gerard and reschedule." Lily tries to catch up with him as he takes very big steps. He was running out of time. The wedding was to start at two o'clock sharp. If he doesn't make it on time, who knows what could happen.

If he remembered correctly, it would be 1:47 am in Blair's world right now. He thought he had thirteen hours 'til their wedding would take place, but Mr. Brown had shown up an hour ago, disguised as Arthur to tell him something important.

"Chuck, I've noticed a slight change in the timeframes of the two worlds. It was 11:57 pm when you left the other world, right?"

"Yes. It was night when I left, but afternoon when I arrived in my world. I think the two worlds have a time difference. What do you mean slight change, Mr. Brown?" His eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"As soon as you stepped into that cemetery, as soon as you arrived in this world. . . I saw in my own eyes how Blair's world was flash forwarding, until it was the same as your time. Which means. . . "

"Which means, I have only a few hours left to settle my business here. This is bad. I don't have enough time for this. Blair is probably all ready by now!"

Mr. Brown was able to calm him down, but not for long. He needed to do things quickly.

"I'm positive, Lily. You have to trust me on this. There are some things you won't be able to understand but I need you to trust me." Not that he was planning to tell his adoptive family that time traveling was possible - even he couldn't believe it, but it is real and everything that had happened was proof that he was not dreaming or hallucinating.

He had sent Serena to put the painting back at the Empire. She frowned at first but couldn't disobey him.

"I do trust you. I'm just worried." He stays silent, and impatiently waits for the elevator to get them to the right floor.

Once they were inside, all shook hands and said their greetings. There were two briefcases spread across the table, he supposed it had the important papers.

"I'm in a bit of a time crunch here so if you could just go straight to the essentials, that'd be great." Chuck was fidgeting.

Lily stopped herself from asking any further about his current behavior. She figured this was his way of grieving. She hated how she couldn't do anything to at least make him feel better but Lily was also struggling herself. The car accident happened so fast.

Before they could start, someone, who they unfortunately expected to come, barged through the door.

"You didn't think I would miss this, right? With or without Chuck." He flashed them a smirk. Chuck rolled his eyes and hoped he'd go back to where ever he came from.

"I don't think you're needed here, Uncle Jack." Chuck says, refusing to meet his eyes. The older Bass man ignores his comment and sits across him.

Chuck motions for the attorney to go on.

"Twenty percent has been given to Mrs. Bass while the thirty nine percent will remain to the board of Bass Industries."

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