Along Came, Um

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I couldn't believe I had cheated on Adrian. My entire world seemed to come to an end. It was unsightly. I lay on the bed in a fetal position contemplating my life. What the hell was wrong with me?

There's a knock at the door and I barely had the energy to answer.

"Come in," I sniffled through my tears.

It was Damian. The handsome devil I had let suck me like I was the last drink on earth only a few hours earlier. I wept more at the thought of it. How could I have been so weak? When I was supposed to be committed to Adrian? Wait. Was I seriously feeling guilty and crying over a guy who had kidnapped me from my family and friends? I wasn't even supposed to be here in the first place. He had single-handedly usurped my entire life. I let myself be comforted by that idea and my sniffles came to a halt. Damian sat on the edge of the bed.

"Who the hell said you could sit there?" I growled a little more venomously then I would have liked but it was his fault too. He had brought me here then seduced me. I refused to acknowledge my part in the whole fiasco. He stood again, a look of hurt passing over his face. I felt bad. I truly did. But I couldn't let it show. I had other things to deal with.

"What do you need?" I prompted when he just stood there quietly gazing at me. He cleared his throat and looked slightly embarrassed.

"I um, the queen has summoned you." He stated in a quiet voice. I sighed internally. Maybe this would be the time to convince her to let me go. I needed to see my family. They were the only ones that could help me now. My "relationship" was failing. Clearly.

"Fine, but I need to change. So could you," I trailed off with a blush; my voice lost some of its spunk. I gestured towards the door. Considering, he had just had his face between my legs, I felt kinda bad telling him off so angrily. I didn't understand why Adrian was so mad anyway it was just some head but then again I had to put myself in his shoes. What if I had caught some girl with his dick in her mouth? She would probably be dead right now or close to it. I closed my eyes. Just the visual image made me sick. How could I?

All I knew for sure right now was that I wanted to go home and cry in my mother's arms.

"Fine. I'll be right outside when you're ready." Damian left promptly. Almost as if he had an attitude with me. I scoffed at his hurried exit and almost laughed. Was he really upset? I was the one who had cheated on my mate. I was the one who should've been upset. At least my agitation was warranted. I guess... I kept forgetting that he had feelings just as much as me. He was still a man. Or was he? At this point, I didn't know which of the people in my life were human and which were not. Was everyone a supernatrual human being? Was my whole like a life?

I refused to think about it. I sighed and went over to where I had some clothes from the kingdom. It was like nothing I had worn before. They were long flowing gowns made up of some of the most comfortable material I had ever been blessed enough to touch. The gowns were all simply beautiful. I finally decided on one. It was white and gold with a deep v-neck that went down the entire stomach of the gown and ended at the hips. It was held together by crisscross lace straps in the middle. The laces were white while the gown was outlined in gold but mainly a white color. The back was the same as the front with the lace up back kind of like an extended corset. It was a long sleeved gown with two big white bows tied to the wrists. It was quite lovely and sophisticated. It fit my body like a glove as if it had been designed for me. I did my hair up in a loose curly bun with a couple of loose tendrils hanging around my face and the back of my neck. The heels I chose were strangely modern looking if I did say so myself. Unfortunately, I had no one to question about them so I just slipped my feet into the clear strappy heels. They had a large clear strap going across the toes and the tops of my feet and a solid clear heel with white trim and gold buckles. The heel was a little thick but they went perfectly with the long gown. Not like anyone could see them anyway. The gown was so long like a wedding gown. It trailed behind me like wedding gown. I quickly gathered it up in my hands and started towards the door. When I opened it Damian was on the other side and he seemed to be taken aback by my appearance. I thought I might have even seen a blush. How cute. He didn't say anything about my boobs practiacally spilling out. I could see the lust in his eyes. He looked as if he wanted to ravage my pussy a second time....I just might have let him if it weren't for the queen requesting an audience with me.

He extended his arm for mines with a small sigh as if he knew exactly what I was thinking. I ruefully accepted and returned his blush with one of my own. Out of no where, a girl with blond hair and blue eyes came from around the corner in a maid uniform and gathered my dress in her hands. She carried it for me as we walked along the corridor. I tried not to notice her and continued to walk. Finally we reached the end of the hallway and there were two tall doors that had to be at least 13 feet high and I was wearing heels! I had to keep in mind that I was only 5'4. LOL. I had on three inch heels. I began to open one when Damian grabbed my hand as if to say, 'how dare you open a door for yourself, my queen?' and pushed it door open for me. I gratefully accepted, bowing a little to him. I was shocked at myself. I had bowed to him.  It felt natrual though. I might as well have took a breath, I had to get the hell out of here and fast, I could really see myself falling for this guy if he kept up this behavior. The doors opened to a giant ballroom and I could finally hear the beautiful music that was coming from behind them before. I quickly entered. I was enticed by the sweet smells of fancy food and the ladies in their expensive ball gowns. I was suddenly grategul to whoever had left the beautiful ball gowns for me to look through. I briefly wondered if it was alla set up and was I supposed to have worn them? I looked up at Damien but he was looking in another direction....At a...woman? She was beautiful like him with long flowinf lavender hair pulled back by two combs that shone with what I had no choice but to believe were real jewels. Yes, I was enticed by jewelry....A terrible flaw! LOL. He sauntered over to her as she beckoned with a long, slender brown arm. Her natrually grey eyes met mines briefly and she gave me a small smile. It was mocking but in a non-threatening way. She was so beautiful a felt a little splash between my legs. I twitched uncomfortably. No woman or man for that matter had ever made me feel anything like that. I thought a might be lesibain for a fleeting moment.

As if on cue, Adrian appered in my line of vision as if to say, "Stop looking at that hoe." I closed my eyes to fight back tears. I felt a warm hand under my chin. I didn't notice that I had lowered my head. I was becoming accustomed to having it lowered.

"I better not see a fucking tear." He wiped the tear away that had escaped with a small smile on his.

"You mean another one?" I said with a small smile. I couldn't help but notice the look of hurt that was hidden in his eyes that were a deep forest green at the moment. I knew that he was focusing on something other than me at the moment. I knew what I had to do to get his attention. I didn't have this dress and an hourglass figure for no reason.

"I need a drink." I said as I sauntered out of his grasp with a look over my shoulder. He stopped me with a hand on my hip and a kiss on my lips. I couldn't help that everyone in the ballroom had stopepd dancing and were staring intently at us. My face turned crimson from the direct attention. It felt like I was in one of those romance movies where the main male character finally proposes to the female main charachter. Adrian didn't have a ring in his hand though. His eyes had changed color again so I knew for a fact that he was angry with me. They were a deep, midnight blue.

"I'll get it." He said simply and I had no choice but to watch him saunter away. I couldn't help but notice that all the females in the room watched as he walked away. I was green with jealousy. I couldn't meet all their eyes at once but I saw enough to know that I had made a tragic mistake. I knew that Adrian was my soulmate. Yes, he did hijack my life but I had to admit, it wasn't the worst thing that had happened to me. 

Next thing I knew, there were literal trumpets beign sounded. I looked into that direction and noticed that there was someone coming from the doors that Damien and I had came through earlier. 

"The Queen has entered." Someone I can only describe as a jester annouced. He wore a clowns hat and shoes with bells on them. He had a funny look on his face. It could have just been the makeup though. It looked like a sad clown. The shoes had bells on them as well. His blonde hair stopped at his shoulders and curled upwards. His blue eyes looked sad and haunted. He was defintely the court jester. The outfit told it all. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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