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Justin dropped me off back at home at 11:00 exactly as my parents had requested. I had to go through the front door this time because I knew they would definitely be waiting up for me. Good thing Justin's overly large and long jacket hit me mid-thigh. It covered the fact that my super tight jeans exposed my provocative hips and butt, and my half shirt.

"So I'll see you tomorrow at school and Friday night for our date?" Justin questioned walking me to the front door.

"Of course. I had a really, really nice time tonight. Thanks for showing me a good time." I admitted as we stopped at my front door steps.

"Me too. Now, how about we finished what we started in the backyard?" he asked rhetorically invading my personal space.

I didn't get a chance to respond because as soon as I opened my mouth he placed a soft kiss on it. The intrusion of his tongue felt good as it felt around my mouth. I gasped as his handed drifted from my curvy hips to cup my backside. The porch lights came on and I jumped away from him as if I'd been scalded.

"Gotta go, I'll see you. Call me."I rushed to say as I closed the door on his amused expression. As soon as I turned around, my parents were right in my face looking me up and down.

"Were you just out there kissing that, young man, little girl?" my Father shouted his face beet red his bushy mustache crinkled up like it did when he was mad.

"No, I wasn't Daddy, I was hugging him goodnight. And I'm not a little girl anymore!" I exclaimed exasperated seeing the look of surprise in their eyes like the fact that I wasn't a child anymore was so new to them.

"Whose jacket is that?!" my Father hissed rhetorically lashing out angrily, knowing he knew it was Justin's. I rolled my eyes and moved past them.

"I got home on time just like you guy's demanded so if I didn't do anything wrong, I'm going to bed." I stated tiredly as I headed up the stairs.

"Are those heels, Gabriella?" my Mom voiced as I rounded the corner and into my room. They were just mad that I had went on a date, and I didn't do anything wrong.

I went in to my room and locked the door, which was something my parent's had long since forbidden I do. Right now though, I just didn't care. I pulled off Justin's clean woodsy smelling jacket, folding it neatly on the top of my dresser. I pulled off the rest of my clothes and took a quick hot, shower, put on my night clothes which consisted of a gray tank top, and black boxer boy shorts. It was already a little warm in the room so I threw the comforter in my comfortable desk chair. I climbed under the smooth cotton sheets, resting my head gingerly on the plump pillow.

I smiled thinking about the boxing match, and street racing Justin had took me to. He was definitely different from all the other preppy boys I'd gone out with. I started to drift and had just begun to fall into a deep sleep when I felt the breeze sweeping throughout my room. I sat up and noticed my window was open. I figured the wind had blew it open because I had left it unlock so I got up my feet hitting the smooth wooden floor. I stumbled over to the open window in the dark still a little asleep. I closed and locked it with clumsy fingers and headed back to bed. After I got back under the covers, I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I jumped up startled again feeling strange. I looked around my room trying to figure out what was wrong.

The alarm clock read 1:32 when my eyes glimpsed it. Five minuets later the feeling hadn't receded so I chalked it up to me being paranoid and lay back down. I just couldn't seem to get back to sleep so I just laid there still as a rock my breathing slow and relaxed as I could get it. I was just about to get back up when what looked strangely like a large shadow fell across my bed. A scream arrived at the tip of my tongue and I almost released it when my survival instincts kicked in. If I screamed this man would probably kill me faster. My heart rate picked up, thudding heavily against my rib cage. I couldn't help the small whimper that escaped my tight lips as the shadow moved from the foot of my bed over to my side. I closed my eyes praying this was a bad dream or something. Any thing other than what I was going through now. Would he kill me? Hold me for money? Kill my parents? Rob us? The man stood in front of me breathing inaudibly, from his position in front of me. I swallowed my insatiable fear, and cracked my almond-shaped eyes open to sneak a peek at my criminal. He caught my eyes with his startling dark blue, grayish eyes. I wanted to lash out at him but my fear enabled me. It started at the pit of my stomach quickly spreading like a forest wild fire. He didn't say anything at all, just simply stared deep into my eyes. I wasn't going to fool myself by pretending I was living a vivid dream because I knew this was real. I felt it all the way down to my scrunched up toes.

He wasn't looking at me like ha wanted to kill me more like he wanted to...make love to me. So, he was a rapist was he? The scream that I had been holding in tried to burst from my mouth but like he could read my mind he stuck his cloth covered hand out to muffle it. I breathed in the heavily spayed sweetness of the cloth against my will and immediately started to get dizzy. I tried to fight him off of my but my arms fell limp against my sides as soon as I raised them. My vision blurred along with my mind as it cleared itself of all thoughts. I slept peacefully without a care in the world, dreaming about my parent's and Justin.

A/N: Hey luvhs!! I'm so excited about this one!!! Lemme know what ya think! Please comment and vote so I can know if I should continue or not!! Ciao!--------

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