Caught Ya

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I woke up to that strange feeling again. I sat up my sheets sliding gracefully off of my body, rubbing its soft silkiness over my skin. Hmm, I can't remember my sheets ever feeling so good.

Then all too soon the somewhat foggy memories came slowly jogging back to me. I snapped my eyes opened, and look around realizing I wasn't in my own house. I wasn't in my smaller bed with cotton sheets. I was in a large king-sized bed, with the silkiest sheets ever.

The blood rushed painfully to my ears as my brain broke the news to me that I had been abducted by a strange rapist man. I wondered if the man had done anything to me sexually while I was asleep. I couldn't feel anything wrong with me so I figured he hadn't. I couldn't see my body though, what if I had hickeys? I looked around the large, dark room my unskillful eyes barely able to make out anything. It was strange though, I wasn't paralyzed with fear like I should be, but I was scared.

"You're finally awake," a deep, sexy voice said from the darkness.

"Who's there? Why did you abduct me? And, what do you want from me?"I called out indirectly.

"My named is Adrian Alkali. I need you to stay here with me, which is why I abducted you. I knew you wouldn't come by will so I had to take you. And as for what I want, I want my mate. I've stayed away from you as long as possible, but I just can't take it anymore," his gibberish talking voice was moving closer.

"What are you talking about mates? I'm not anybodies mate. You're a crazy deranged man and you seriously need help. So, can you please return me to my family and friends? I can't stay here with you," I pleaded scooting further back on the wide bed.

"Ha, ha, ha, I'm not crazy or deranged. But I am a Vampire. I just know the Vampire in me can't stand to be away from his mate anymore. You may not be aware of it but your grandmother was a very well known and powerful Vampire, and your Dad is half Vampire, half human. So that means you have a little Vampire blood in you, giving you the ability to mate. I couldn't act on it right away when I first saw you because you were just a baby. I stopped aging the Moment I saw you and knew I would wait for you. Too bad fate is devilish, because you're not of age to complete the mating bond." his voice was so close now, I could almost reach out and touch it, but I still couldn't see him. All of what he was saying wasn't making any sense to me and I stuck with the idea that he was delusional.

"Your crazy, mister, and what do you mean by "not of age to complete the mating bond"?" I asked fearing I already knew what he meant. His strikingly young and handsome face suddenly came into view along with a dim overhead chandelier that barely lit the room. But it lit it enough to know that the beautiful man had dark brown hair that fell like a waterfall but was pushed back with a few rebellious strands falling around his strangely colored eyes. He licked his sensual red lips that stood out against his pale skin. Weren't Vampires all pale and sun deprived looking like he was? Wait? Was I actually entertaining the idea of him being a real Vampire? No, now I was the one being delusional.

"Well, I'm glad you asked my sweetness. Its when two mates come together in a special sexual linking bond but I have to wait until you're 18. And even then you have to accept me as your mate first if we want the bond to be official. You're still just a minor now, and I'm 19. That's three years your senior, so I can't have sex with you, but we can still make love though. I've waited too long for you, Gabriella" He whispered leaning in close to me. I scooted farther back until my back hit the wall. And, how the hell did he know my name? Well, he kidnapped you from your home address! Of course he knows your name stuid! I cursed myself mentally.

"So you plan on keeping me until I turn 18?! That's ridiculous!" I exclaimed my heart pounding fiercely as he came up on the bed sitting in front of my knees that I had drawn up against my chest, "and what do you mean "make love"? I thought you said you were gonna wait."

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