I'm Not A Slut Just Slutty

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A/N: Author here! Haven't updated in a while and my apologies for that! You guys deserve better. Will be up dating more frequently don't give up on Vampire Story! Enjoy.

"You won't need that book bag," he snapped, and I frowned asking why, "because, my sweet, until I find out who this Justin character is, you won't be going back to school."

"What?!" I yelled in outrage, hitting him on the arm. He gave me a look that asked if I was crazy, and I jerked the steering wheel in response.

"Are you a complete fucking idiot?!" he shouted back, knocking my hand away, "You could make us have a car accident,"

"There's no one on this road but us," I defended, crossing my arms over my chest and shifting in my seat so that my back was to him. "So who's the idiot now?" I added.

"We just barely missed that tree back there, I wasn't talking about a car. There are more than one ways to have a car accident, idiot," he retorted and I didn't like the snotty smugness in his voice. To emphasize his words, he reached over and thumped me on the back of the head, just as we neared my school. Jerk was the word that briefly came to mind, next was Ouch.

I'm gonna jump out, I thought earnestly, gripping the door handle. As if sensing what I was about to do, Adrian locked the doors, and I frowned pulling the lock back up. I tried to open the door on instinct but was surprised when it didn't open.

"Gotta have child lock for the kids," he said teasingly, a hard edge coming in his voice when I groaned miserably. The school was passed by and I thought I would cry. Good God, I was going to be stuck with him all day. The thought just depressed me and I sank back into my seat even more. I loved him but at the same time I hated him so much. Crazy?  Tell me about it.

"Do you really despise me that much?" he questioned the sound of hurt in his voice breaking the silence caught me off guard. I glanced at Adrian and he was staring straight ahead not even looking at me but he might as well have been. I could feel his energy focused entirely on me. 

"Yes," I admitted honestly, "I'm still mad at you about last night and to tell you the truth, my feelings are hurt."

"What about me? You think what you said to me didn't affect me in any way?" he grimaced, and I could feel the frustration in his voice.

"You brought it upon yourself by spanking me! I told you not to do that to me, but did you listen? No," I answered my own question, still fuming.

"You did that to yourself by exposing your body to my best friend! And did you have to say all that shit about other men owning your body?!" he shouted at me. I sighed at the pointlessness, and turned my back to him.

"Gabriella" he called my name, pushing my shoulder when I didn't answer yet again.

"Leave me alone, you ass! You are so controlling and the most overbearing person to live with!" I accused, not even realizing that we were in a parking lot now until I'd stopped talking.

"And you are the sluttiest person to live with," he snapped, before opening the car door. My eyes saw complete red and I finally turned around to see him looking at me with a smug look on his face. He even laughed at the dangerous look on my face just happy to have gotten a rise out of my me, finally. I was no longer in control as I scrambled out of my seat, crawling over the armrest to choke him. Adrian's arms wound up around me as I launched myself at him. The impact of my body hitting his caused us to start to fall out of the car.

"Slut?!" I repeated, as we both tumbled out of the drivers' side door, me landing on top because Adrian shifted us at the last minute so that he took the fall. I could barely acknowledge the act of kindness before I gripped the lapels of his jacket. I felt like I could kill him in that moment.

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