And then there were none

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I was just staring at Adrian expectantly while he refused to meet my eyes.

"Adrian?" I called to him in a dull voice. Clearly letting him know I was not about to wait around all day for him to explain his behavior. Finally, he looked up at me, his eyes a hard dark blue. As if the ocean of emotions he usually had shifting like the waves behind them was frozen over. That scared me. I wasn't used to seeing Adrian so....obsolete. I had a funny feeling it was his Father that had him acting this way. I slowly walked over to him, smiling a little to let him know I wasn't mad. He was the only one on my side right now whether I liked it or not so now it was my turn to be on his side.

When I covered the short distance separating us, I reached out a hand to touch his chest. Pain. I was so confused by the fact that I was hurting right now. Adrian must've noticed my confusion because his expression changed for a split second but it quickly went back to being stoic.

I looked down from his eyes, trailing downwards. My eyes passed over his chest but my hand wasn't there. Instead my hand was by my side, frozen with my fingers throbbing from where Adrian had dusted them away from him. My brain wasn't accepting the fact I wasn't touching Adrian when it was the only thing I wanted in the world right now. I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry so bad because this was the first time Adrian had caused me actual, real, heartbreaking pain.

I shied away from him a little, the questions all in my voice as I breathed his name. "Adrian..."

"Gabriella, I--." He cut off abruptly as if something had reminded him to turn off his emotions. "Just wait here."

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I spit out, my voice cracking as I cradled my hand against my chest. He just looked at me for another minute before turning on his heel and leaving.  He was just going to leave? Hell no. I quickly ran up behind him, careful not to touch him. One time being brushed off was enough.

"Adrian. I don't know what the hell is going on with you but I want an explanation.  Now." I put on my most serious voice. This time I did grab him, gripping his arm so tight that my fingers started to hurt. I was more afraid of him trying to remove my hand more than I was going to hurt him at that moment. I'm sure with my added strength any normal person would have a broken arm by now.
He looked over his shoulder at me and placed his hand over mine softly rubbing my hand. My body almost sagged to the floor with happiness that he wasn't shirking me off.

"Why do I have to explain myself to you." he said simply.  And he wasn't even asking really but more like making a observation.  To say I was taken aback would have been the understatement of my life. I could see tears clearly. They were blurred my vision of Adrian but the pain in each drop that threatened to fall could be seen by his eyes. I forced them away. Barely. 

"Adrian..." I was starting to sound like a tape recorder. 

"What, you think just because we have a little oral sex you think it's something special?" Adrian was talking but at the same time it wasn't him. Adrian would never say something like that to me but it didn't stop his dagger like words from piercing my chest with deadly accuracy.

"I'm your mate." I stated, not sure what was going on right now but I knew that Adrian wasn't acting like himself. His eyes flashed and I took a step closer to him until my chest was almost touching his.

"Mate?" He broke out laughing incredulously.  "You're not my mate. Never was. I just said that so I could do you. Eventually anyway. This life does get annoying. "

"Shut up!" I yelled, ripping my arm away from him. At least I tried to. Adrian had his cast iron grip on my hand now . "Get your hands off me!" I shouted in his face unable to control my raging emotions anymore, I slapped him.

"Okay, " he said simply not even flinching and shoved me back into the desk. I crashed into the desktop as I wasn't expecting to be pushed back so roughly.  I grabbed my arm, moaning in pain as I rolled onto the floor.

From my position on the floor, I saw Adrian in an entire new light. He was cruel. Cold as ice eyes met mine and I shivered, fighting back the tears threatening to spill over. No luck. They crashed over like a silent tsunami.

"Why are you doing this, Adrian?  Just tell me." I pleaded,  refusing to believe that Adrian was actually treating me like I was nothing to him.

"Didn't you here me the first time? I was using you. I lied and used you just for fun."

"You made me into a Vampire, took me away from my family and friends, told me you loved me and claimed to be my mate.....Just for fun?" I clenched my teeth so hard my jaw started to ache. That was nothing compared to the feel of my heart being ripped into two separate pieces.

"I knew you weren't as stupid as you seemed." He said harshly. Devastation. That barely described what I felt in my heart. Without another look in my direction, Adrian turned his back on me and left.

I didn't even have time to face the pain trespassing throughout my body before fear eased it's way in. The lights suddenly went out in the already poorly lit room. I was shrouded in darkness except for the dull light streaming in from the stained glass window on my far right. It was a huge, looming window made of light blue glass. It faintly reminded me of church. Behind that beautiful glass was something I could only describe as two red ruby like eyes staring at me intently. I gasped, coming up off the floor to back away slowly. The eyes never broke contact with me once our eyes connected.  A face or something of the sorts could be made out upon further inspection. It was oddly shaped like a lemon with pointy ears that somehow managed to curve inwards. That weird face was free from all emotions and that just made it all the more frightening.


The splitting sound of the thick glass shattering into a million pieces shocked the breath out of me. I gasped trying to catch it. I needed it to let out the scream building up in my chest but without my breath all I could muster was a weird wheezing noise that I'd never heard come from me before.  The thing that had been staring at me was suddenly right in front of me. This time I caught my breath and let out a groundbreaking scream. On stupid instinct, I looked to the door that Adrian had departed from fully expecting him to some crashing through it. Instead, I crashed through that very same door. Wood splinters, my body and blood from the wounds I now had were the only things flying freely through the air for a split second.  The broken pieces were the first things to hit the floor, my broken body soon followed. Just when I thought it was over I was gripped by the leg and launched into a bookshelf.  This time, books and blood just danced in the air before falling.

Ouch. My vampire whispered. Her voice was weak and it sounded as if she was barely able to get the one word out. Of course, it was sarcasm she used in a situation as such. She quickly faded back to the place she went somewhere deep inside my subconscious.

Breathing heavily, I tried to move. Big mistake.  I muffled my scream and gave up on moving any part of my body. My head was a better choice. I was at least able to move that without feeling like my body would fall apart.

Gabriella.... My vampire's voice faded away into the distance of my mind.

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