School Yay. <<<Sarcasam

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A/N: Forgive me my fair readers for the long ass wait before the next update! Working on next update now but could take a while if the motivation doesn't come. Anyways enjoy!





"Whoa, who's that?" A boy's voice said as soon as I entered the building, and I blushed at the admiring tone of his voice. Okay, so maybe I wouldn't be a dweeb. Yes. I guess I owed a little thanks to my Vampire heritage.

I stopped and turned to look at who had spoken, and was surprised to see a very handsome boy looking at me. This was the most gorgeous guy I'd ever seen (besides Adrian that is) and he'd never give me the time of day when I was what you would call a dorky nerd.

"Hi, I'm new here, and I can't find the office," I said tilting my head to the side like I was confused. Well, in a way I was, but I could've easily found it if I tried hard enough.

"I'll show you the way there, cutie" he complimented, and his friends all stared at me like I was some fallen angel of something.

"My name isn't cutie." I replied curtly with a mocking and sexy laugh.

"Oh okay. I'm Lucas. Luke to my friends, what's yours?" he said clearly just saying I was already his friend. Which I wasn't.

"Gabriella," I admitted a little unsure, but Adrian hadn't said I had to use an alias or anything like that.

"Cool," he said, smiling like he'd won the lottery, "Here's the office, Gabriella. If you need help with anything else, just ask. I could show you around if you'd like," he offered, showing me into the office.

"No, I'm sure I can take it from here, uhh, haha what's your name again?" I asked warily, knowing damn well I knew his name.

"It's Luke," he said, his smile wavered a bit, as he headed out of the office.

"Thanks, Luke!" I waved, and went up to the front desk, a little high off of the superior feeling I was getting. Yeah, my Vampire was kind of a bitch but suprisingly, I liked it.

"Hey, umm, I'm Gabriella......" I trailed off and the receptionist Mrs. Taylor gave me a searching look. I couldn't have the same last name as my parents could I? Well, it wasn't the same school so I should've been fine. The secretary interrupted my train of thought.

"Oh wait a sec, you're the one Mr. Levette and Mr. Alkali told me about. Here, this is your schedule, and your locker number," she smiled, and I was shocked at how easy that'd been. I reminded myself to thank that pervert again.

Mr. Levette....I want to meet him. If Adrian told him about us then, we should at least meet him. My Vampire made an interesting point and I agreed asking could I meet him.

"Well, he's very busy. Why don't you come by tomorrow?" she invited, giving me a smile.

"It'll only take about a minute," I smiled, knowing I should just leave but that's what the old me would do, and this new me was not taking no for an answer. I stared deeply into her eyes, giving my best imitation of a puppy dog.

"Umm, I'll ask," she said a little tentatively, picking up the phone to call who I presumed to be Mr. Levette.

"Principal Levette, --" a man's voice came from the speaker phone to cut her off.

"Mrs. Taylor, I'm very busy," he snapped, and I immediately disliked him.

"Well, you see there's a young lady asking to see you...uh, the one Adrian sent, and," he cut her off again by saying, "Send her in." he hung up the dial tone cutting Mrs. Taylor out of her shocked expression.

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