Oh My

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"I'm sor—" I started only to get cut off by Adrian's hand brutally crushing down on my mouth and pressing my head into the wall. I stared up at him helplessly, unable to identify the look in his eyes but smart enough to know he didn't want an apology.

"Need I remind you just how long I can last?" he whispered leaning into me, peering deep into my hazel eyes. I blushed as I remembered the profuse acts of lust and swallowed roughly.

"Mr. Adrian?" The timid voice was followed by a gasp and I turned my head to see a pretty woman with platinum blond hair and I pushed him away from me. Or at least I tried to, Adrian didn't budge, just turned to stare harshly at the lady who was holding the elevator doors open.

"Olivia, can't you see I'm in the middle of something?" he asked bluntly and I watched as her pretty face crumple and then perked up just as fast.

"But, Mr. Adrian, your fa—" she started again only to be cut off by his harsh tone again.

"Olivia, I don't care if the—" It was his turned for him to get cut off because I bit the inside of his palm as hard as I could. He jerked his hand away with a surprised growl and I watched as the blood swelled from the inside of his palm.

"How dare you handle me like that?!" I shouted, putting my hand on my curvaceous hip. Who in the hell did this jerk think he was treating me like some pet and talking like I wasn't even there.

"OhmyGod! How dare he?! How dare you! You little tramp!" The woman Olivia raised her hand as if to strike me and I stood still from a stupefied shock. Is this lady serious? I didn't even know her. What the heck did I do to her to deserve being smacked? I asked myself with a little laugh. Adrian caught her hand in the nick of time and shoved her back so hard that she literally flew across the room. He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to an enclosed office. I barely had time to take notice that this floor was nearly deserted except for that venomous woman Olivia, Adrian, and me. Olivia's soft cries were cut off when Adrian closed the door, leaving us in complete silence staring deeply at one another. At least for a few seconds.

"Adrian!" The deep, baritone voice noted and I turned toward the sound, "and you've brought a friend. How nice!"

"Father," he stated numbly, turning slowly to stare at his Father. I stared too because the stark resemblance was uncanny. The same dark color of hair, but his was pushed back to reveal his handsome and slightly aged face. While Adrian's eyes were a deep gray right now; yesterday though, they'd been the same forest green his Father's were right now. The same bone structure anchored their faces Standing so far away though, I couldn't see any other dissimilarity. There was one obvious difference though and that was Adrian's Dad towered over even him. Not in height but just a demeaning presence that exuded from his being alone . I briefly met Adrian's fathers eyes and I could feel his power beating at me, like literally hitting me in the chest. I could feel my breath coming in shorter pants like I had just run a marathon while my knees trembled. What the hell was with this old guy? I thought to myself.

"Hmm, I'm surprised you can still stand." Adrian's Dad spoke softly and I frowned, looking away from his eyes and the feeling left instantly. Adrian was looking at me like he was both proud and shocked. I was just confused by what the hell had just happened here.

"Adrian, have you no manners?!" His Father drawled on sarcastically, and I jokingly thought to myself, no. His Father turned to look me dead in the eye again and I shuddered under the intensity of it. This time, it was slightly more bearable though but I still looked away again. "You haven't seen me in decades and all you have to say is "Father", and to not introduce me to such a lovely young lady, now that's just down right mean."

"There's nothing to say about her," he snapped, and I frowned narrowing my eyes on him. To say that hurted would've been an amazingly huge understatement.

"Nothing to say?" I croaked, finally finding my voice as I jerked away from him. His Father's eye's got a little wide, but he remained quiet. I shook my head at him in a meaningful manner and extended my hand to his Father.

"Hello, my name is Gabriella," I greeted and he stepped forward to grasp my hand. I wasn't expecting the wet kiss that was placed on my knuckles and my blush showed that much.

"A man should bow at the feet of a beauty like you. I am Adrian's humble Father," he smiled widely, his gaze wandering over the length of my body. I tried to conceal my frown as I attempted to withdraw my hand from his. Okay, so he was a creep.

"It's a pleasure to meet you sir," I said as modestly as possible while the grip he had on my fingers tightened with each tug I gave.

"Oh trust me, my sweet, the pleasure is all mine," he murmured, bending to place another kiss on my knuckles. The only difference with this one is that I felt the sharp sting of his fang swipe across my hand, and then the sting was soothed away by his tongue. He looked up at me through lowered lashes, and I tried in vain to jerk away from him. Luckily, Adrian saved me in time from another French kiss to my hand.

"What are you allowing to happen to your hand?!" he roared, and I shrugged helplessly as his Dad finally released me. Adrian threw a protective arm around my waist and pulled me to him.

"I was just greeting the girl, Adrian. No reason to be so defensive." His Father explained lightly, shrugging his shoulders like it was no big deal; when, in fact, it was because Adrian was looking at me and his Father both like he wanted to wring both our necks.

"While I would love to entertain you more Gabriella, I have something dire to talk with Adrian about. Would you please excuse us for a moment?" His Dad asked politely and I glanced hesitantly at Adrian before answering.

"Well, sir, with all due respect, I believe that anything you can say to Adrian can be said in front of me since I am his—" I was about to finish when Adrian's hard hand gripped my upper arm, pulling me roughly into the inner office room door. He closed it softly behind us and that in itself gave me chills.

He kept his back to me for quite a few prolonged seconds before turning those beautiful and completely dominating eyes on me. I leaned against the cherry wood desk with one hip poked out, waiting for him to start explaining what the hell this was all about.

A/N: All I have to say is sorry and this prolonged wait will NEVER happen again. Ciao ya'll, I love you guys who motivated me to update!


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