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HAIR AS DARK AS THE sky at night

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HAIR AS DARK AS THE sky at night. A pair of crimson eyes, a trademark of the Eveningstar Family. A pale complexion and a small frame for a 17-year-old. I had a striking appearance resembling my mother, something I disliked seeing before.

But now, I started admiring my looks. Maybe because I'm growing up?

Marina and the other maidservants finished dressing me up. I asked for a simple-looking dress with no ribbons and frills. This would make it easier to walk around at the market.

They fixed my hair in a loose braid style and added a red flower ornament clip on the side of my hair. I smiled at the mirror as I checked on my reflection. The maroon dress decorated with gold laces matched my pale complexion.

I showed them a satisfied smile, and praised how amazing they were. The uneasiness they seemed to be feeling earlier had disappeared as they smiled back at me.

"You may all go, except for you." I pointed at Marina as I dismissed the others. "You will accompany me outside," I added.

I wore my black cloak, and placed the list I made in the inner pocket of it.

Marina may look like a scared little kitten, but I can feel some strange aura around her. And aside from that, she looks like she's willing to serve me if given the chance, because if not, she wouldn't continue staying close to me.

I'll give her the chance to prove her worth by letting her accompany me today.

"Greetings, my lady. May I ask your destination for today?" Caesar asked when he saw us going downstairs.

I turned to look at him. He looked busy enough, yet he's prying on my business. "I'm going out to buy new sets of dresses and jewelry," I answered, smiling at him.

He didn't look surprised and was only relieved by my answer. "I understand. Have a good day, my lady," he added, bowing his head as he bid us goodbye.

I couldn't help but smirk as we headed outside. Caesar would definitely report this to them. This may help reduce their interest in me. Or I'll just need to sway the duke, and only him, a little so I can get an increase with my allowance.

They're rich anyways. It wouldn't hurt to help someone in need, like me.

"Shall we go now, my lady?" Mr. Ruderick asked. I looked at the carriage in front of me and I smiled.

Like what I requested, we used the humblest looking carriage. I'm glad that the coachman was able to prepare this for today. "We shall," I answered after Marina and I boarded the carriage.

We didn't bring any knights with us since they disliked me too, and I wouldn't want any annoying fly accompanying me today. Besides, I can perfectly protect myself.

The ride wouldn't take long, considering the distance from the estate to the capital's marketplace. However. . .

"This is boring," I whispered to myself as I watched the view outside from the carriage window. It was a refreshing sight of numerous trees surrounding the front of the estate.

CRIMSON LILY [To Be Published Under PAPERINK]Where stories live. Discover now